Research on the hardware implementation of the Visible Light Communication

来源 :浙江工业大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daqizzq
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Along with thegreat achievementresearch andmanufacturing of LEDs technologies such as high power LEDs,high performance LEDs,the ideas of using Visible Light in communication also began to attract many researchersfrom the worldin the recent years.Manyresults of researching on LED to meet theVisible LightCommunication’s requirementshasalso made somegreatachievements,such asfast responseLED,LED’s lighting characteristics,highpowerLEDs...The results of researching on photo-detector has alsogotmany achievements,such as fastrespond timephoto-detector,high sensitive photo-detector...Currently,theRFelectronic equipmentsused everywhere,however,electromagnetic waves are not allowed to use in some places as some special areas of somehospitals or on a plane...At these places,electromagnetic waves may have some negative effects,so that the electronic device that is used electromagnetic waves need to be turned offortemporary suspend their communication. But,visible light has some advantagescomparedto the RF devices,thereare no interference or impact on human health,so,researching on using visible light for communication immediately attract the attention ofmanyresearchers.Theour researchteam ismainlyresearching on MIMOalgorithms;giving some solutions to reduce the power requirement of transmitter,increase the transmission distance,and increase the data speed.Themain contributionsof this thesisfortheVLC project are:Based on the properties of light,give some solutions to help improve the efficiency of VLC,which is helping to reduce the loss of light energy on the transmission path,research on the reflection properties of the two types of mirror,which are hyperbolic mirror and parabolic mirror.Then,combine two parabolic and hyperbolic mirrors to create a Cassegrain mirror system(this idea comes fromparabola antennain RF system).This mirror systemhelpsenhancethe power of the light on the transmission line.Proposed some solutions to extend the working area of the LEDs,that is LED predistortion technique. Givesomesolutionsfor the LED power amplifieror LEDdriver circuit,which helps increase the capacity of the emitting light,which means reducing the BER factorin communication.Researchonhowto use bi-color LED type in VLC. With two separate independent colored LED,it can be used to transmit a digital signal,such as NRZ,Manchester,etc...One singlecolorcanbe used asapilot signal.Proposed several solutionsfor bi-color LED amplifier,and analyze the advantages and disadvantages those circuits.