US-CHINa-Cuba:Asymmetric Triangle Relations

来源 :浙江大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ontrackfor19888
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The international relations consist of asymmetric disparities.The world biggest asymmetric power is the United States, especially towards is relation to China and Cuba.China comes as the rising actor that can challenge the U.S.power projection.Cuba a small power inside the international arena, but of great influence in the Latin American region.As well as one the ideological nemesis of the U.S.This thesis will analyze the triangular relationship between the U.S., China and Cuba pointing its asymmetric nature by means of evaluating the three bi-lateral relationships within their relations, military,and economic spheres.The assessment will give the objectives of the U.S.national security community as well to the international community by providing a contextual basis for understanding the importance of this asymmetric triangular relationship as it applies to present-day U.S., international relations objectives and the implication that can have for the region.As well as the prospects off cooperation between all the parts.