Characterisation of Mercerized and Vinyl Tri--Methoxy Silane Treated Banana Fibers and Their Composi

来源 :东华大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kwl9970024
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The research involved characterization of banana fibers for their properties which included themorphology, chemical analysis, thermal properties, and the effects of treatment on the above.Chapterone covers a background to the research and two contains a review of the published literature relating tothis subject.The literature review was used as the guidance in the thesis in design, analysis, andprojection of the expected trends.The methodology for the experimental work conducted is detailed inchapter three while the results and discussions of the effects of pre-treated banana fibers on theirproperties and the performance of the composites follows in chapter four.This thesis ends with adiscussion on the results including conclusions and recommendations for future work.Data of testsappear in the Appendices.The fiber density testing showed that the treated fibers had higher densitythan untreated ones.X-ray diffraction (XRD) carried out to assess modification of the fiber crystallinityshowed that banana fiber crystallinity index increased in all the treated fibers, thermogravimetricanalysis (TGA) which was used to obtain the activation energies and relative thermal stability of fibersindicated that all treatments improved fibre thermal stability.Single fibre tensile testing that was done toobtain the tensile strength of untreated and treated fibers indicated that the alkali treatment enhanced thetensile strength of the fibers and silane treatment has minimal effect on the fiber tensile properties.
近年来,人工智能技术开始融合入各个领域,教育行业也开始发生巨大的改变。当前,传统的课堂环境仍是当前教育环境下最主要的学习环境,如何评价教室中的教学过程仍然是一个难点,而技术的发展给课堂评价带来了无限的可能。本文利用声纹识别技术对课堂交互进行分析和评价,判定课堂的交互模式以及课堂结构。  本文通过以下几个方面进行研究:首先文章介绍了课堂分析的研究背景,对国内外声纹识别和课堂交互行为分析的研究现状进行
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