Technology Management and Product Development are important factor of firms success and performance.Technological changes are continuously creationg new challenges and opportunities new product, service, process and organizational development. Those changes, the researchers said,TKS is increasingly important to Technology Management and performance.However, there is no particular detail result related TM on technological performance of product development.So, this paperresearchlook intosome issues whichiseffect of technology management on technological performance of product development.Especially compare with two countries that China and Korea. Based on many research which is related to Technology Management (TM), TechnologyKnowledge Stock (TKS), and Technological Performanceof Product Development (TPPD).I propose that these factors are significantly and positively related to each other’s.The proposed theoretical model is testedsurvey and data collected from Chinese and Korean manufacturing firms reveal that TKS is significant contributors to the TM (resource, quality, organization); TPPD.This paper may significant results fromresearch can better inform to product managers concerning actions they can adopt to efficiently manage their TPPDand how these actions may need to vary from country to country.