The Right of Self-Determination and the Impact of the Principle of Non-Interference in International

来源 :对外经济贸易大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abdusamat128
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This thesis examines and carefully presents the methodological and critical study of the question of the right to self-determination and the significance of the principle of non-interference as it relates to this right,particularly in the twenty-first century and beyond.The continuing debate and academic contributions to this pertinent subject have hugely contributed to the transformation of this right and its cognizance for a people who feel marginalized and politically abused within an existing state.As our modern world becomes bigger and more complex in nature,the perturbing issue of the right of the people to self-determine their political destiny continues to form an integral part of legal discourses,particularly for legal scholars in the field of public international law;the fact that this struggle has not abated with new problems surfacing even as we are into the twenty-first century makes it imperative to conduct this research.The right of the people to self-determination over the years has been hinged to strong international intervention due to disputatious governments as witnessed in many cases which this thesis discussed.These interventions have been spurred by modern interest in backing the collective rights of the people through international organizations whose mission is to galvanize the pulse of the people when it comes to human rights and the rule of law within their polity.This study deals with the question of contemporary international law as it relates to the right of the people to self-determination in the context of today’s concept and understanding of the principle of non-interference.It poses and attempts to answer relevant questions within the framework of today’s international legal system relating to how a people determine their political status while adhering to the collective consensus of upholding global peace.Over the years,the transformations that have been witnessed with the principle of noninterference are given a very critical explanation in this thesis.This work traces the contribution of legal alterations both in practices and emerging rules within the framework of contemporary international law.In the end,the anxiety and uncertainty that have arisen as a result of the imbalance and lack of consistent practice between the right of self-determination and the principle of non-interference were well explored and laid bare,with possible solutions proffered to improve the situation.
糖尿病已成为当代社会最常见的代谢紊乱性疾病之一,也是继心血管疾病和恶性肿瘤之后的第三大非传染性疾病。糖尿病患者长期高血糖可致器官组织损害,引起脏器功能障碍以致功能衰竭,而男性患者性腺功能减退的临床表现为性欲下降、勃起功能障碍等。裂叶荨麻(Urtica fissa E.Pritz)在我国陕西、四川、贵州、湖北等地广泛分布,是汉族、维吾尔族、藏族等应用历史悠久的民族药和民间药,在维吾尔族医学中记载荨麻