Purpose:’To further study the relationship among microsatelliteinstability(MSI), Loss of heterozygoasity(LOH) andclinicopathological characteristics in primary hepatocellularcarcinoma(PHC).Methods: Five highpolymorphic microsate1lite markers located atchromosomes lq, 8p, 8q, 9p, l7p have been selected to investigatemicrosatellite alterations such as MSI and LOH in all 32 paired PHCtissues.Results: In 32 PHC samples and their paired controI tissues, thetotal frequency of MSI was 43.8%(l4/3;1) with higher rates at loci ofDlS484(8/3l, 25.9%) and TP53. PCR(9/3l, 29%). Seven patientsshowed LOH. No correlation was found between two kinds ofgenetic alteration and clinicopatholol;ical characteristics of thetumors such as age, sex, tumor location, etiology, cirrhosis, AFP andEdmondson’s grade. However, in all six patients who had’microsatellite alteration at two loci markers on their tumors, vascular3..invasion and lymophnode metastization were significantly 1ess thanin the others(P==0.00l).,Conclusion: (l) MSI may play an important role in PHC,Particularly the tumours which have no vascular invasion andlymphnode metastization. (2) DlS484 and TP53. PCR are twosensitive loci to MSI in PHC.