The purposes of this research are to study the preliminary needs of students inlearning Chinese at any Chinese language academy, to study the service marketing mixfactors which affecting on the students decisions in choosing any Chinese languageacademy, and to study the trends growth and investment feasibility of Chinese languageacademy business in Thailand.The population on this research work is2boards of school who are from BaanTone Tutor and Excellent Academic School. The samples on this research work are933students. They are middle and high school students which are studying Chinese from8schools are; Benjamarachutit School, Chareunwitsahawitthayakarn School,Kanlayaneesithammarat School, Muangnakhonsithammarat School, PrincessChulabhorn s College, TriamudomSuksa School of the south, ThasalaprasitsuksaSchool, and Yothinbumrung School. Data collected by using self-administeredinterview model to interview2boards of school, and self-administered questionnairesfor students. Data analyzed on the preliminary needs of students by using SPSS forWindows to calculated the descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentages,arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test value, and significance level value. Also, dataanalyzed on feasibility of investment by using marketing, technical, management, andfinancial analysis and calculated the payback period, net present value, and internal rateof return.On data analysis of the preliminary needs results indicated that the majority of thesamples were female,18years old, studying in government high school, parents monthly income is10,001-20,000baht, and Thai is a daily life s language. Foreignlanguages which most of the samples are studying now are Chinese and English and allof them ever studied Chinese before. Most of the samples started to learn Chinese whenthey were studied in high school. Most students think Chinese language is necessary.Most students purpose on studying Chinese is to improve basic Chinese knowledge.Most students prefer to learn basic learning (listening, speaking, reading and writing)course, and attend small group of3-5students class. The place which most studentsprefer to study Chinese language is at Chinese language academy/tutorial school. Thetime that most students prefer to study Chinese language is on the vacation. Moststudents think the suitable time period for study Chinese per day on Monday–Fridayand Saturday–Sunday. Most students think the suitable time for study Chinese percourse is21to30hours. The average cost of studying Chinese per course that moststudents ever paid is less than2,000baht. The most important reason which students areusing to determine to study at any Chinese language academy is native speaker teachers. The ways of advertisement that most students can generally get information aboutschool is leaflets.Regarding the marketing mix factors affecting the customers decisions of languageChinese language academy, it was ranked as follows: people, process factors, physicalevidence, place, product, price, and promotion. The most effective people factor isteachers are native speaker; the most effective process factor is a well education systemconvenient; the most effective physical characteristic factories property has securityespecially the fire-safety; the most effective place factor was found that location isconvenient for students such as there are many public bus pass; the most effectiveproduct factor was found that there are basic courses (such as speaking, listening, reading andwriting); the most effective price factor was found that tuition level is relative to thequality; the most effective promotion factor is free of books, sheets, and learningmaterials.On data analysis about feasibility of investment are shown below;According to marketing analysis shows that the numbers of students are increasingevery year. It means students are more interested on Chinese academy to improve theirbasic Chinese knowledge. Moreover, they are also interested on Chinese upper levelknowledge.According to technical analysis shows that on choosing of any place to establisheda Chinese academy business, it should take the considerations on service quality, placehas to have modern décor and convenient to use, great learning and teaching atmosphere.Moreover, teachers and staffs should have service mind, it can make more impressivefor students.According to management analysis shows that it has possibility to management, butalso to increase the welfare of the teachers as an incentive. Because of Chinese languageis started to play more role in Thailand, it can makes lack of Chinese teachers.According to financial analysis shows that on Chinese language academy businessproject, it used the most of funds in term of fixed assets which are land, building, andinterior design and décor. The total initial investment is approximately375,000baht.The payback period is2years and221days. Rate of return of this project is29.36%.From the financial analysis, it can conclude that Chinese language academy businessproject can accept and has possibility on investment.