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This paper examines English subtitling of Hero as an attempt to study various textual and extratextual constraints on film subtitling from Chinese into English. We are inspired by Venuti in his discussion of domestication and foreignization to look beyond the text at a macro level for possible economic, political and cultural factors that determine a certain strategy to be adopted in translation in addition to various medium-specific constraints.This paper comprises both close textual analysis and extratextual discussion. We recapitulate the ongoing debate around two translation strategies: domestication and foreignization. Then we scrutinize the general and medium-specific constraints upon film subtitling. Hero is used for a case study. We analyse with examples how its English subtitling deals with the various constraints. We establish that Hero’s English subtitling tends to domesticate the original in four major manifestations. We examine the extratexutual factors that lead to the overall strategy of domestication in Hero and discuss the implications of such a strategy.This paper is an attempt to address the situation where little research is done from a cultural approach in film subtitling from Chinese into English. It is our hope that more researchers will devote their efforts to this area for deeper insights.
<正> 黄连阿胶汤出于《伤寒论》,为“少阴病,得之二三日,心中烦,不得卧”而设。笔者根据方意,自1992年6月至1994年10月,采用黄连阿胶汤加味治疗顽固性失眠36例,临床上获得较
<正> 朱式夷先生在“試析苏子降气湯的結构原理和临床实际”(本刊1964年第12期)一文闡述中,认为本方的作用,在于外解风寒、內疏痰飲;从其君、臣、佐、使配伍关系分析,証明:主
<正> 《局方》苏子降气汤是临床上经常选用的一个方剂。其治疗范围比较广泛,使用得法,效果极为明显。兹将临床加减运用概述如下,谬误之处,请予批评指正。本方由苏子、半夏、