最早使用太平洋时代(Pacific Age)一词的是一位日本政治经济学家稲垣満次郎(Inagaki Manjirō)~((1))。稲垣在19世纪80年代末入读剑桥大学,其间师从英国历史学家西莱(John Robert Seeley),在其指导下研究大不列颠帝国对外扩张政策的历史。西莱曾受德国地理学家卡尔·李特尔(Carl Ritter)的影响。经由稲垣,某种带有19世纪欧洲理想主义色彩的语辞,被引入有关太平洋地区之未来的讨论当中。这过程本身已耐人寻味,那种因不同语境间概念之转化所导致的观察视角之切换似乎更引人入胜。
The first to use the term Pacific Age was Japanese political economist Inagaki Manjirō ~ ((1)). Yagaki attended Cambridge University in the late 1880s, during which time under the direction of the British historian John Robert Seeley, he studied the history of the Great Britain’s foreign expansion policy. Cili was influenced by German geographer Carl Ritter. Through Yagaki, some kind of rhetoric with 19th century European idealism was introduced into discussions about the future of the Pacific. The process itself is thought-provoking, and the switch of the viewing perspective that results from the conversion of concepts in different contexts seems more engaging.