10日 全国内河航运建设工作会议在南京拉开帷幕。国务院副总理邹家华出席这次盛会。此次会议的主题是:进一步统一和提高对发展内河航运事业重要性、紧迫性的认识,研究确定“九五”和到2010年内河航运建设的规划、重点和方针政策。动员各方面力量加快内河航运建设。黄镇东部长在会上作题为《抓住机遇加快发展振兴我国内河航运事业》的报告。这次会议,标志着我国内河航运事业进入了一个新的发展阶段。
On the 10th, the national conference on the construction of inland waterway shipping opened in Nanjing. Vice Premier Zou Jiahua attended the event. The theme of this meeting is to further unify and raise awareness of the importance and urgency of developing the inland waterway transportation business and to study and plan the plans, priorities and guidelines and policies of the Ninth Five-year Plan and the inland river shipping by 2010. Mobilize All Forces to Speed up Inland Waterway Transport Construction. At the meeting, Huang Zhendong, the minister, gave a speech titled “Seizing the Opportunity to Accelerate the Development and Revitalization of China's Inland Waterway Transport”. This meeting marks a new stage of development for China's inland shipping industry.