针对臭氧/生物活性炭(O3/BAC)工艺在珠江下游地区应用中存在的容易孳生微型生物、出水pH值降低、臭氧投加量难以量化等问题,开展了运行优化研究,并将技术成果应用于规模为100×104m3/d的示范工程。O3/BAC工艺运行优化示范工程重点示范了炭滤池原位酸碱改性技术及石灰优化调节出厂水pH值、臭氧投加量优化、炭滤池反冲洗方式优化3项关键技术成果。示范工程自2012年1月建成投产至今运行稳定,出水浊度≤0.2 NTU,COD Mn≤2 mg/L,pH值稳定在7.2~7.5,并显著提高了出水的生物安全性。该示范工程的建设,建立了该地区饮用水深度净化工艺保障体系,实现了O3/BAC工艺运行控制系统的全面优化。
Aiming at the problems such as easy breeding of microorganisms in the application of Ozone / Biological Activated Carbon (O3 / BAC) process in the lower reaches of the Pearl River, lower pH value of effluent and difficulty in quantifying the dosage of ozone, the operational optimization study was carried out and applied to Scale of 100 × 104m3 / d demonstration project. O3 / BAC process optimization demonstration project focused on the in-situ carbon-carbon filter modification technology and lime to optimize the pH of the factory water, ozone dosage optimization, carbon filter backwash optimization of three key technical achievements. Since the demonstration project was put into operation in January 2012, it has been operating stably with effluent turbidity of ≤ 0.2 NTU, COD Mn ≤ 2 mg / L and pH value of 7.2-7.5. The demonstration project construction, the establishment of the region drinking water depth purification technology to ensure that the system to achieve O3 / BAC process operation and control system to fully optimize.