Genetic association of autoimmune hepatitis and human leucocyte antigen in German patients

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnunicomlxq
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AIM: To report on our large German collective and updated data of 142 patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) type 1. METHODS: Key investigations performed were liver biopsy, serum autoantibodies as well as serum markers such as IgG and elevated transaminases. Antinuclear antigen (ANA) and smooth muscle antigen (SMA) autoantibodies characterized type 1 AIH. Type 3 (AIH) was solely characterized by the occurrence of soluble liver antigen/liver-pancreas antigen (SLA/LP) autoantibodies either with or without ANA or SMA autoantibodies. RESULTS: Most prevalent HLAs were A2 (68 patients, 48%), B8 (63 patients, 44%), C7 (90 patients, 63%), DR3 (49 patients, 38%), DR4 (49 patients, 38%) and DQ2 (42 patients, 30%). Compared to the Italian and North American patients, we found fewer patients with a DQ2 subtype. Furthermore, the B8-DR3-DQ2 human leucocyte antigen (HLA) was also less prominent compared to the North American patients. However, prevalences of B8, DR3, DR4, DR7, DR11 and DR13 were comparable to the Italian and North American patients. Furthermore, we report on an additional subgroup of patients with SLA/LP positive AIH. Generally, in this subgroup of patients the same HLA subtypes were favoured as the AIH type 1. CONCLUSION: Although HLA subtypes were comparable between these three collectives, the German patients were distinct from the Italian and North American patients with respect to DQ2 and from the North American patients with respect to B8-DR3-DQ2HLA. A clinical correlation, e.g. difference in severity or treatability of AIH type 1, has yet to be determined. AIM: To report on our large German collective and updated data of 142 patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) type 1. METHODS: Key investigations performed were liver biopsy, serum autoantibodies as well as serum markers such as IgG and elevated transaminases. Antinuclear antigen ( Type 3 (AIH) was completely characterized by the occurrence of soluble liver antigen / liver-pancreas antigen (SLA / LP) autoantibodies either with or without ANA or SMA autoantibodies. RESULTS: Most prevalent HLAs were A2 (68 patients, 48%), B8 (63 patients, 44%), C7 (90 patients, 63%), DR3 Compared to the Italian and North American patients, we found fewer patients with a DQ2 subtype. Furthermore, the B8-DR3-DQ2 human leucocyte antigen (HLA) was also less prominent compared to the North However, prevalences of B8, DR3, DR4, DR7, DR11 and DR13 were c Generally, in this subgroup of patients the same HLA subtypes were favored as the AIH type 1. CONCLUSION: Although HLA subtypes were comparable between these three collectives, the German patients were distinct from the Italian and North American patients with respect to DQ2 and from the North American patients with respect to B8-DR3-DQ2HLA. A clinical correlation, eg difference in severity or treatability of AIH type 1, has yet to be determined.
第三章 俘虏  “啊?”淘淘和谦逊精灵同时回头看。  惨白的星光下,远处摇曳的战火的映照下,一只怪异的巨鼠不知什么时候站到了他们的身后,只见这只巨鼠用两只后腿直立着,宽大的肩膀上竟然顶着两个脑袋,而且每个脑袋上都五官俱全,现在它们同时张着嘴,狞笑着,露出白森森的牙齿!  “未必,恐怕未必,当然未必!”如果说刚才那句话是其中一个脑袋发出来的,那么现在,恰恰是另一个脑袋在作出回答了!  “双头鼠王!”
1 临床资料 患者,老年男性,于情绪激动后突觉眩晕伴颈痛1h,稍觉恶心,未吐,无头痛及肢体活动障碍。查体:BP24/13kPa,神经系统无阳性体征。辅助检查:颈椎双斜位片:C3~6椎体后缘唇样增生,椎间隙变窄。诊断
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