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近几年来,随着我国经济水平的不断提高,我国的医疗事业取得了迅猛的发展。医院作为社会组织机构的重要组成部分,其健康运行关系着人们生活质量的提高。随着我国经济体制的不断改革,社会医疗机构的内部发展机制也在逐步发生着变化,完善医院权力运行监控机制在一定程度上能够促进医院的进一步发展,使其更好地为社会提供服务。 In recent years, with the continuous improvement of the economic level in our country, the medical cause in our country has made rapid development. As an important part of social organizations, the healthy operation of the hospital is related to the improvement of people’s quality of life. With the continuous reform of our economic system, the internal development mechanism of social medical institutions is also gradually changing. Improving the monitoring mechanism of hospital power operation can to some extent promote the further development of hospitals so that they can better serve the society.
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股市瞬息万变,要懂得“盛衰在须臾,得失发存心”,得失就在一念之间。一念之对,可赚得盆满盈钵;一念之错,则会输得血本无归。一念不是心血来潮,不是枉自推测的侥幸,而是股市生存智慧,于进退、届伸间的权衡,股神巴菲特的成功,与其说是“乱市造英雄”,不如说是其对购、售时机定位的准确把握。  四年前,巴菲特对中国股市青睐有加,尤其看好中石油,大肆购进中石油股票,一跃成为中石油第二大股东。然而,今年7月份以来,
采用测定大鼠胆汁分泌量的实验方法,观察栀子提取物京尼平苷和西红花苷十二指肠给药后的利胆作用。结果显示西红花苷50和 100 mg/kg剂量均不增加大鼠的胆汁流量,而京尼平苷50和 100 mg/kg剂量均可显
The dynamic behavior of two collinear cracks in magneto-electro-elastic composites under harmonic anti-plane shear waves is studied using the Schmidt method for
Text embedded in images is one of many important cues for indexing and retrieval of images and videos. In the paper, we present a novel method of detecting text aligned either horizontally or vertical