目的探讨消化内镜清洗消毒全程质量追溯管理的方法,确保消化内镜清洗消毒的质量和有效追溯。方法对消化内镜的使用和清洗消毒全过程进行相关记录,实施全程质量追溯管理。结果 2015年8月至2016年4月共实施10023例次消化内镜的清洗消毒,经医院感染管理科每季度对消毒后消化内镜进行生物学监测的抽查,均消毒合格,记录具有可追溯性。结论对消化内镜清洗消毒全程进行质量追溯管理的方法,有效地确保了消化内镜清洗消毒的质量,并对于预防与控制医院感染具有举证的重要依据。
Objective To explore the method of retrospective management of digestive endoscope cleaning and disinfection, to ensure the quality of digestive endoscope cleaning and disinfection and effective retrospective. Methods The use of digestive endoscopy and the entire process of cleaning and disinfection related records, the implementation of full traceability management. Results A total of 10023 cases of digestive endoscopy were cleaned and disinfected from August 2015 to April 2016. The samples were biopsied by the Department of Nosocomial Infectious Diseases every quarter for biomonitoring. The results were traceable Sex. Conclusion The method of retrospective management of quality during the whole process of digestive endoscope cleaning and disinfection effectively assures the quality of digestive endoscope cleaning and disinfection and has an important evidence for the prevention and control of nosocomial infection.