气柜是化学工业和石油工业厂房中贮存气体的重要设备之一,在大型氮肥厂中,有不少的容量为600~28000立方米的各种钢气柜,需要用大量的钢材。 1960丰我们采用了装配式电热法预应力混凝土气柜的设计方案,池壁和底板改用钢筋混凝土,节约了大量的钢材,降低了造价。经过几年的使用和观察的结果,情况良好。 一、结构的形式及预应力钢筋的选择 气柜的下部是作为水封用的水池,池内贮满水,并有一个可以浮沉的贮气罩,贮入气体时气罩被浮升(图1)。 池壁直径13.6米,高5.5米,由42块550×105×18厘米的预制板拼装成,板壁间的接缝成稜形口(图
Gas tank is one of the important equipment for storing gas in the chemical industry and petroleum industry plant. In the large-scale nitrogenous fertilizer plant, there are a lot of steel gas cabinets with a capacity of 600-28000 cubic meters and a large amount of steel is needed. 1960 Feng We adopted the design scheme of prefabricated concrete gas tank assembled electric heating method, the use of reinforced concrete wall and floor, saving a lot of steel, reducing the cost. After several years of use and observation the results are in good condition. First, the structure of the form and choice of prestressed steel The lower part of the gas tank is used as a water seal with the pool, the pool full of water, and there is a floating gas storage hood, gas storage hood when the hood is raised (Figure 1 ). Pool wall diameter of 13.6 meters, 5.5 meters high by the 42 550 × 105 × 18 cm prefabricated panels assembled into the prismatic mouth between the joints (Figure