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“加拿大魁北克文学专辑”经过半年多的准备终于与广大读者见面了。这次合作是由加拿大蒙特利尔大学魁北克研究中心和中国社会科学院外国文学研究所《世界文学》编辑部共同完成的。魁北克研究中心主任让-克雷奥·哥丹(Jean-Cleo Godin,1936—)教授负责选题与撰写序文;《世界文学》编辑部负责计划、编校与付梓;合作人林青先生承担翻译及联络工作。魁北克文学像其民族一样年轻,但它经历过曲折有时是痛苦的发展,今天终于成为任何人也无法忽视的文学存在。像其它文学一样,魁北克文学也有其可以引为自豪的世界知名的大作家,诸如加布丽埃尔·鲁瓦、阿兰·格朗布瓦、安娜·埃贝尔等。这个专辑尽量通过所选作品勾勒出魁北克文学发展的脉络,以给还不太熟悉魁北克文学的中国读者一个相对完整的概念。为达此目的,选题颇费心思,著名的魁北克文学研究者、批评家哥丹教授和他的同行经过多次商讨最后设计出这一特为中国读者准备的魁北克文学“大拼盘”。让-克雷奥·哥丹教授还是魁北克戏剧研究专家、魁北克戏剧史协会创始人和主席。他的《魁北克戏剧》(两卷,1970,1980,与人合作)对魁北克戏剧起到了建设性的作用。他还著有《用欧洲眼光阅读魁北克文学》(1982)。哥丹教授思想清晰、表达准确的文论风格早在研究亨利·博斯科时就已形成(《亨利·博斯科:神秘的诗学》,1968)。哥丹教授曾于1990年来华参加学术会议,对中国留有美好的回忆。在此专辑出版之际,我们谨向让-克雷奥·哥丹教授以及在编辑过程中给予协助的加拿大艺术院(Conseil des Arts du Canada)、魁北克国际事务部(Ministere des Affaires internationales duQuebec)、蒙特利尔大学魁北克研究中心(Centre d’etudes quebe-coises de l’Universite de Montreal)等单位致谢! “Canadian Quebec literary album ” After more than six months of preparation finally met with the majority of readers. The cooperation was completed by the Quebec Research Center of the University of Montreal in Canada and the editorial department of World Literature by the Institute of Foreign Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Professor Jean-Cleo Godin (1936-), Director of the Québec Research Center, is responsible for selecting topics and writing prefaces; editor of World Literature is responsible for planning, editing and making contributions; and Mr. Lin Qing, the partner, undertakes the translation and Contact job. Québec literature is as young as its people, but it has undergone tortuous and sometimes painful development and has finally become the literary existence that no one can ignore. Like other literature, Quebec literature also has its world-famous writers who can be proud of, such as Gabrielle Roa, Alan Granbow, Anna Eber and others. The album tries to outline the context of Quebec literature through selected works, giving a relatively complete concept to Chinese readers who are not yet familiar with Quebec literature. To achieve this goal, the topic quite a bit of thought, the famous Quebec literature researcher, critic and his colleague Gedan after many discussions to design the final preparation for this Chinese reader Quebec literature “big platter” . Professor Jean-Claude Cotan is also a Quebec theater researcher and founder and chairman of the Quebec Theater History Association. His “Quebec Drama” (two volumes, 1970, 1980, co-operation with people) played a constructive role in the theater of Québec. He also wrote Reading Québec Literature from a European Perspective (1982). Professor Cotan’s clear-cut, well-articulated literary style was formed as early as when studying Henry Bosco (“Henry Bosco: Mystery Poetics”, 1968). Professor Cotan came to China in 1990 to attend academic conferences and left a beautiful memory for China. On the occasion of the publication of this album, we would like to thank Professor Jean-Claude Coton and Conseil des Arts du Canada, the Ministere des Affaires internationales du Quebec, Courtesy of the University of Montreal Center d’etudes quebe-coises de l’Universite de Montreal.
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