中国森林在世界处于什么地位?联合国粮农组织最近公布的世界森林资源评估报告显示,中国森林面积位居世界第五位;人均森林面积居第119位;中国森林每公顷生物量高于世界平均水平,而中国人均蓄积量是世界最低的国家。 根据评估报告,中国土地面积占世界7.2%,森林面积1.34亿公顷,占世界3.9%,森林覆盖率14%,居世界第五位。目前森林面积领先于我国的有前苏联(7.55亿公顷)、巴西(5.66亿公顷)、加拿大(2.47亿公顷)和美国(2.1亿公顷)。 世界人均占有森林面积0.6公顷,发展中国家人均占有0.5公顷,发达国家人均占有1.07公顷,在世界179个国家中中国占居第119位。中国森林总蓄积量97.89亿立方米,占世界森林总蓄积量3840亿立方米的2.55%,中国森林每公顷平均蓄积量为96立方米,远远低于平均每公顷蓄积量114立方米的世界平均水平。 目前,世界人均拥有森林蓄积量为71.8立方米。拉丁美洲和加勒比地区人均森林蓄积量最高,达244立方米,北美193立方米、非洲87立方米、欧洲34立方米、亚洲和太平洋地区的人均森林蓄积量最低,为19立方米,而中国人均森林蓄积量仅为8.6立方米,是世界人均拥有森林蓄积量最少的国家之一。 报告提供的数字显示,中国人工林面积达3183.1万公顷,占发展中国家现有人工林总面积6844.5万公
What is China’s forest status in the world? The recently released World Forest Resources Assessment Report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization shows that China ranks fifth in the world in forest area and ranks 119th in terms of per capita forest area. The biomass per hectare of forest in China is higher than the world average , While China’s per capita stock volume is the lowest in the world. According to the assessment report, China has 7.2% of the world’s land area and 134 million hectares of forest area, accounting for 3.9% of the world’s total. Its forest coverage rate is 14%, ranking fifth in the world. The former Soviet Union (755 million hectares), Brazil (566 million hectares), Canada (247 million hectares) and the United States (210 million hectares) currently have the largest forest area in our country. The world has a per capita forest area of 0.6 hectares, 0.5 hectares per capita in developing countries, 1.07 hectares per capita in developed countries and 119 of China’s 179 countries. The total volume of forest in China is 9,789 million cubic meters, accounting for 2.55% of the world’s total volume of 384 billion cubic meters. The average volume per hectare of forest in China is 96 cubic meters, much lower than the average volume of 114 cubic meters per hectare in the world Average. At present, the world’s per capita forest reserves are 71.8 cubic meters. Per capita forest volume in Latin America and the Caribbean is the highest, reaching 244 cubic meters, 193 cubic meters in North America, 87 cubic meters in Africa and 34 cubic meters in Europe. The lowest per capita forest volume in Asia and the Pacific is 19 cubic meters, The volume of forest is only 8.6 cubic meters, making it one of the countries in the world with the least forest reserves. The figures provided by the report show that the area of planted forest in China amounts to 31,831,000 hectares, accounting for 68,445,000 of the total existing plantation in developing countries