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根据小学生的年龄特点和心理特点,英语课堂教学中的德育如果只是停留在简单和生硬的说教上,就会在一定程度上增加学生的逆反心里和抵触情绪。因此,小学英语教师要善于挖掘教材,结合教材内容,将德育自然地渗透到日常的教学活动中,采用学生易于特别是乐于接受的方式,使学生明善恶、知美丑、辨是非。下面谈谈我在英语课堂教学中是如何渗透德育的。一、充分发挥教师的人格魅力,营造良好德育氛围德育过程既是说理、训练的过程,也是情感陶冶和潜移默化的过程。教师自身的形象和教师体现出来的一种精神对学生的影响是巨大的,也是直接的。 According to the age and psychological characteristics of pupils, if moral education in English classroom teaching only stays on simple and rigid preaching, it will increase students’ rebellious heart and resistance to a certain extent. Therefore, elementary English teachers should be good at mining teaching materials, combined with the textbook content, moral education will naturally penetrate daily teaching activities, students are easy to be especially willing to accept ways to make students bright and good, know the United States and Ugliness, discrimination between right and wrong. Here to talk about my English classroom teaching is how to infiltrate the moral. First, give full play to the charisma of teachers, and create a good atmosphere of moral education is not only the process of reasoning and training, but also emotional molding and subtle process. The influence of teachers’ own image and a kind of spirit embodied by teachers on students is huge and direct.