
来源 :中国热带医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxk2010
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目的了解大型工地工人对疟疾防治知识的知晓情况,掌握该人群对疟疾防治健康教育的需求,为开展大型工地疟疾防治的健康教育以及相关政策和法规的制定提供科学依据。方法采用典型整群抽样的方法选择目标人群,发放统一编制的调查问卷进行现场调查。结果大型工地工人疟疾防治知识知晓率低(15.1%-88.9%),但疟疾防治的态度良好。年龄、性别和文化程度是疟疾防治知识知晓率的影响因素。81.4%的调查对象认为健康教育、改变不良行为是预防疟疾的最好办法,讲座和宣传教育片是最受工人欢迎的学习了解疟疾防治知识的形式。75.5%的工地宿舍有蚊帐,但蚊帐的使用率仅为73.3%。69.6%的调查对象有露宿的习惯。结论大型工地工人疟疾防治知识水平有待进一步提高。应针对该人群相关知识的薄弱环节,并采用工人们易于理解和接受的方式开展宣传教育,提高大型工地工人疟疾防治知识水平。 Objective To understand the knowledge of malaria prevention and control among workers in large construction sites, to grasp the needs of the population for malaria prevention and health education, and to provide scientific basis for the development of malaria prevention and health education in large-scale construction sites and the formulation of relevant policies and regulations. Methods A typical cluster sampling method was used to select target populations and a unified questionnaire was issued for on-site investigation. Results The awareness rate of malaria control knowledge among large-scale construction workers was low (15.1%-88.9%), but the malaria control attitude was good. Age, gender and education level are the influencing factors of awareness of malaria control knowledge. 81.4% of respondents believe that health education and changing bad behavior are the best ways to prevent malaria. Lectures and publicity and education films are the most popular form of learning for malaria prevention and treatment among workers. 75.5% of the dormitory sites have mosquito nets, but the use rate of mosquito nets is only 73.3%. 69.6% of respondents had the habit of sleeping. Conclusion The knowledge level of malaria control in large-scale construction workers needs to be further improved. The weak points of relevant knowledge of this population should be targeted, and propaganda and education should be carried out in a way that the workers can easily understand and accept, so as to raise the level of malaria prevention and control among large-scale construction workers.
目的探讨动态血糖监测系统(CGMS)与胰岛素泵(CSⅡ)(双“C”治疗)联合应用对2型糖尿病患者血糖控制的效果。方法为84例糖尿病患者佩带CGMS 72h后分析其血糖波动特点,其中40例
目的了解海南岛警察幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染状况,为制定有效防治对策提供参考依据。方法采用幽门螺杆菌尿素酶抗体检测(胶体金法)及问卷调查方法对1 714名警察进行检测和调查。Hp