作文评改是作文教学中不可缺少的重要环节,而让学生自批自改作文,又是活跃学生思维,培养学生思辨能力,提高学生作文水平的重要措施。近几年来,我们在初中作文教学中,采用“自述-互评-共议”的方法进行作文评改,收到了较好的成效,大体做法是: 1.个人自述。把全体学生按前后课桌组成四人一组的评改小组,然后以小组为单位,每个学生逐一介绍自己这次习作的有关内容:记叙文着重介绍文章的立意、构思、选材、组材等;议论文着重介绍文章的论点论据和所运用的论证方法等;说明文着重介绍说明的对象和说明的方法等。每次自述,除一般介绍以
The evaluation of composition is an indispensable part of composition teaching. It is also an important measure to allow students to self-revision and composition. It is also an active measure for students’ thinking, training students’ thinking ability, and improving their writing ability. In recent years, we have adopted the “self-reported – peer review – consensus” method in writing composition teaching in junior high schools. We have received good results. The general approach is: 1. Personal self-reporting. All students are grouped into four-person evaluation teams according to the front and back desks. Then each group introduces the relevant contents of the assignment. Each narrative focuses on the concept, ideas, materials, and materials of the article. Argumentation focuses on the argument arguments of the article and the argumentation methods used; the explanation focuses on the description of the object and the method of explanation. Each readme, except for the general introduction to