顺义县平各庄河南村大队,根据修建灰土沼气池的原理,1977年建造了一座能容纳15万斤甘薯的灰土结构大屋窖。1978年秋,我市召开现场会,推广了这一新窖型,当年即增建十多座。优点 1.省材料:只用白灰和黄土或粘土,不用砖木建筑材料。 2.投资少:建一座灰土大屋窖约需600元(33吨白灰、2吨水泥)。砖木结构的至少要投资4,000元。 3.保温好:当外界气温达-15℃时,窖内仍保持在10℃以上。 4.经久耐用。一次施工,长期使用。时间越久,钙化时间越长,
Shunyi County Pinggezhuang Henan Village Battalion, according to the principle of building limed digesters, in 1977 built a can accommodate 15 kilograms of sweet potato limestone large housing cellar. The autumn of 1978, the city held a live meeting to promote the new pit type, that year to build more than a dozen. Advantages 1. Provincial materials: only lime and loess or clay, no brick and wood building materials. 2. Low investment: Build a large limestone house about 600 yuan (33 tons of white ash, 2 tons of cement). Brick and wood structure to invest at least 4,000 yuan. 3. Insulation is good: when the outside temperature reaches -15 ℃, the cellar is still maintained at 10 ℃ above. 4. Durable. A construction, long-term use. The longer the calcification time,