花育 16号 (原名花选 1号 )系山东省花生研究所以 8223为母本,鲁花 10号为父本杂交选育而成。 1999年经山东省农作物品种审定委员会审定。 1产量表现 在 1996~ 1999年全省花生区域试验中, 2年平均亩产荚果 264.3 kg,籽仁 194.5 kg,分别比对照鲁花 11号增产 12.6%和 1
Hua Yu 16 (formerly known as spent on the 1st) Department of Peanut Research Institute of Shandong Province 8223 as the female parent, Luhua 10 as the male parent selected from breeding. In 1999 by the Shandong Provincial Crop Variety Approval Committee. 1 Production performance In the peanut regional experiment in the province from 1996 to 1999, the average yield per hectare was 264.3 kg per mu and 194.5 kg for seed kernel in two years, which increased by 12.6% and 1% respectively compared with the control Luhua 11