China and ASEAN Can Share the Prosperity Together\\"——Interview with Zhang Yun-ling,Director,

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Editor’s Note: For the past ten years, regionalism has become a worldwide phenomenon. In fact, most industrialand developing countries have become members of a regional trade agreement, many belonging to more thanone. For a long time, the economic integration process of the East Asia has been rather lagged behind that ofAmerica and Europe. The breakout of the Asian financial crisis in l997 and the serious contagion effects havetaugh the countries in the region the importance of regional economic cooperation in an increasingly integratedworld. Many proposals and plans have been put forward concerning possible approaches of regional economicintegration. Since l999, China’s attitude toward regional economic integration has changed which was mani-fested by its involvement in the regional monetary arrangement. With China’s WTO entry China will be moreactive in participating and promoting regional economic cooperation. In this edition, the journal invites threescholars to introduce and comment on the background of Editor’s Note: For the past ten years, regionalism has become a worldwide phenomenon. In fact, most industrialand developing countries have become members of a regional trade agreement, many belong to more thanone. For a long time, the economic integration process of the East Asia has been rather lagged behind that of America and Europe. The breakout of the Asian financial crisis in l997 and the serious contagion effects havetaugh the countries in the region the importance of regional economic cooperation in an increasingly integratedworld. Many proposals and plans have been put forward Since l999, China’s attitude toward regional economic integration has changed which was mani-fested by its involvement in the regional monetary arrangement. With China’s WTO entry China will be moreactive in participating and promoting regional economic cooperation. edition, the journal invites threescholars to introduce and comme nt on the background of
喜为人间吐不平,早年英锐已知名; 曾因王莽诛民贼,亦借陈东励学生。 这是戏剧家田汉为纪念周信芳演剧生活60年赋诗之第一首。 少年学艺 周信芳,名士楚,艺名麒麟童。浙江慈溪人。1895年1月
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详细研究了 K I O3、 K I与罗丹明 6 G 在酸性介质中的显色反应,反应产物之最大吸收波长λm ax为 560 nm ,由此建立了一个简单、快速、灵敏、实用的分光光度测定食盐中添加剂 K I O3的新方法。在