概率危险性评价(Probabilistic Risk Assessment,PRA)是以某种死亡事故或财产损失事故的发生概率为基础进行的系统危险性评价,是美国原子能委员会推荐的适用于核电站的安全评价法,即著名的“拉氏姆逊教授报告”。该方法现仍在核工业、化工、石化等各国企业广泛应用。
Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) is a systematic risk assessment based on the probability of occurrence of a certain fatality accident or property damage accident. It is a recommended safety assessment method for nuclear power plants recommended by the United States Atomic Energy Commission Professor Lahoreson reports. The method is still widely used in the nuclear industry, chemical industry, petrochemical and other countries.