松 树我皮黑 ,黑皮上裂痕 ,裂痕里藏尘我自卑过 :当我看到梧桐 ,当我看到花蕊。可我自豪了 ,梧桐落了叶 ,花蕊成了灰。风暴吹不倒 ,砸雷击不碎 ,雪压挺且直 ,酷暑无所谓。没有我 ,冬天更加荒凉 ,青春失去了慰籍不要讥笑。如果你懂得高尚 ,如果你会审美。 柿 饼方井、罐子
Pine I skin black, cracks on the black skin, fissures in the possession of dust I inferiority: when I saw Sycamore, when I saw the stamens. But I am proud, Indus dropped leaves, the flower became gray. The storm does not blow down, hit smash hit lightning, snow pressure and straight, summer does not matter. Without me, the winter is even more desolate, the youth have lost the comfort Do not ridicule. If you know noble, if you will be aesthetic. Persimmon square well, jar