he mile uponm of tall maize waving to thehorizon around the small Nebraskan townof Carleton 100ks perfect to farmers SUChas Mark JageIs.He alld his father work 10square kilometres。f 1and.The price of malze--what the Americans call"corn"一has never been higher and thefuture has seldom seemed brighter.Carlet。n is boomingWI’th$200 milllon of Califorman 1Ttoney put up for a nev—biof—uel factory.After severaI s10W years,七here is mewfuU—time,weIl—Paid work for 50 people. There is a Prob Jem,though.The same fields thatsurroundthe Jagels’house on—the Great Plains arebFinging new money to America's farmlands,butthey are alSO helping to pUSh uP the Price of bread inManchesteL tortjllas in Mexlco Citv and beer in MadridAs a direct result of what is happenm‘g in places likeNebraska,Kansas,Indlana and OKLahoma,food aid forthe Poorest people in SOUthern Africa,pork in Chinaand beefin B ritain are a11 more expensive. Challenged by Presldent George W.BUSh toprodUCO 132 bjJljion litres of non—fossil transport fuel。bv 201 7 t0 reduce US dedendencv on imDorted 0i1.thebreadbasket of the world is graduaIly belng turnedinto an enormous fuel tank.Come harvest time inSeptembe almost a11 the maize croP Wi11 end uP atthe new factory at Carleton,where it Wli11 be fermentedinto ethanoL a cleaL co1ourless alcoho1 consumed notby people,butby cars.
“Agrofuels”have arrived In Nebraska alone,anextra 4,000 sq km of maize were planted last year whichWill produce nearly four billion 1itres of ethanol Acrossthe US,20 Per ceilt of the maize crop Wellt to ethan01 in2[)(]6 HOW much is that?Two per cent of US anton]obileuse.A1l this i。part of a global green trend however.Asthe US,Europe,China Japan and other COUrttrl’es arebeginnlng to use 10 per cent or more alternativeautomobile fuels,farmers everywhere are hurrying togrow maize,SUgar cane,o.1 palms and oilseed rape allof which can be turmd mfo e出anol or 0fher biofuelsBut that means getting OUt of 0ther crops
“农产燃料”的时代已经到来。仅在内布拉斯加州,去年就增种了4,000平方公里的玉米,可以生产近40亿升的乙醇。在整个美国,2006年全部玉米产量的20%都被加工成了乙醇。这到底有多少呢?占了美国全年车用燃料的2%。然而,所有这些只是世界环保潮流的一部分。由于美国、欧洲、中国、日本以及其他一些国家打算将10%甚至更多的汽车燃料换成替代品,世界各地的农民正在加紧种植玉米、甘蔗、油椰 子和油菜等作物,这些作物都能被加工成乙醇或其他生物燃料。但这样做就意味着逐渐放弃利植其他作物。
The changes are Immense.The Indlan government s。ys it wants to plan 140.000 sq km of biofuel crops,Brazil as much as 1.2 million sq km. SOUthern Africais sald to be the future Middle East of biofuels,Wlth asmuch as4ml。11ion sq km oflandteadyt。beusedforcroPs SUCh as Jatropha Curcas (phySic nut),a tough P1anthat can be gtown on Poor land Indonesl’a has said itintends to produce more than Malaysl‘a by lncreassingit。Palm oil Production from 64.000 sq km now to260,000 sq km in 2025.
While this may be slightly better for CO,rb01"lenll’SSl’OnS and energy securlty it is proving terrible forfood prices and anyone who stallds in the way of a faslgrowlng new industry.A year or two ago,alnl08t a11the 1and in the US where maize is now belng gtown toinake ethanol was farlned for hulnan or alll’mal food:alld since America is the world's largest exporter ofmaize,the price has dOUbled in 10 months,and that ofwheat has risen by abont 50 per cent.
"In 1ast June,wheat prices across the US alldEuroPe hit their highest 1evels in more than a decade"says Mark HⅢfr01TI the consulting firrn Deloicfe.“These Pri‘ceincreases are 1ikely to trigger innation infood prices,as processors are forced to Pay increasedCOSts for basl’c ingredlents SUCh as corn and wheat."
British flour 1TIl’11ers,for example,need 5.5 milliontonnes of wheat a year to produce the 12 millon loavesSOld each day in the UK.MOSt of this wheat is grosvnin Britain,and in the Past year milling—wheat Pricesmoved from around£100 to£200 a tonne.The price ofa stalldard HOViS loaf rose from fo 93 to£O.99 in lastFebruary and more increases Wi11 be conllng,the firmsays,In France,consumers have a1SO been warned t11atthel。baguettes Wi11 be more expensiveCheap food is a thing of the Past,says Hill.Worldcommodity prices of sngar m11k and Cocoa have allrecently gone up."Meat,too,w11l COSt more,because chicken and Pigs are fed 1argely on grain"says HiII."And whik anyone growm’g grai‘ns Will be better offdairy alld ljvestock producers nlay well struggle in thls envlronment."
The surge in demand for agrofuels SUCh as ethan01is hitting the poor alld the environment hardest ofa11.The UN World Food Programme,which feeds abOUt 90 mllli01-1 peopk 1TIOStIy Wlth US maize,saysthat 850 miUiOil people around the world are alreadyundernourlshed.There W111 SOOll be more because theprice of food aid has increased by 20 Per cellt in just a year.Meanwhile,Indian food Prices have risen by11 per cent in a year.SOUth AfrI’Ca has seen fo。d—prl。cerises Of nearly 17 per cent.
In the US,which has nearly 40 mlUion Poor People,the Department of Agrlculture recen1y sal’d it expectsto see a 10 per cent rise in the Price of chicken.Thepri’ces of bread,beee eggs and milk rose by 7.5 Per Celltin last JulM the highest nlonthly rise for 25 years
“The COrnpebfion for gram between the world’s 800 m11lion PAotorists,who wan to rllaIntain thelrmobility and its two billiOil poorest peoPle,whoare SirePly to ying to survive,is becomling an epicissue,"says Lester Browr,presl‘dellt of Washington'sWorldwatch Institute think tank and author of the bookWho Will Feed Chinan?
Things are not gomg t。get any bette says BrownThe UN’s World F00d 0rgam’zation Predicts that thedemand for biofLiels will grow by 170 per cent in thenext thFee years.A seParate report fr01TI the OECD,the club of the world’s 30 tichest coun[rl’es,suggestedfood—prl’ce rises of between 20 per cent and 50 per cen[over fhe nest decade
A "Perfect storlli" of ecoIOgical and Soclal factorsaPPears t。be gatherlng force,threatenlng huge Rumbersof People wlth f00d shortages and Price rises.Even asthe world’s big farmers are pulling out Of producingfood f0。peoPle and anl’mals,the g10bal poPulation isrising by 87 million peoPle a year; devel。Pi“g countriesSUCh as China and India are switching to meat—baseddiets that need more Iandj alld climate change is startingto hit f。od Producers hard Recent reports in the journal。SCleHce and Nature SUggest that a third of ocean fisherlesare in COllapse;DeVO thirds will be in COll。Pse by 2025;alld all m ajor ocean fisherles may be gone by 2048.
“GIobaI grain SUPplles Will drop to thelf lowestlevels on record“llS year 0utside of wartime,they havenot been this 10w in a celrturv.perhaPs 1onger"says theUS Department of Agrlculture.In seven of the past eightyears,the world has actually grown less grain than ithas consumed,says Brown World stOCks of grain--thatis,the food 11eld in reserve for ti‘mes of emergency——are nOW SLffcient for just over 50 days.According to exPerts,we are in " thepost—f00d—surplUS era"
The food crisis,Brown warns,is only iustbeginnmg.What worries hlnl as much as the newC01TIPetitlon between food and fuel is that the boomingC11lnese and Indlan poPulations--the two lagestnations in the world,xArIth nearly 40 per cent 0f theworld’s population between them--are goving uP theitraditional vegetable—tich dlets for typical"American"diets teat contain more meat and dairy products Mealdemand in China ha。gone“P by 300 per cent in30 years,and in India,m11k and egg Products areincreasingly pOPuIar.
In itsele this is no problelTt,say Brown and others,excePt that it means an increased demand f。r water t。grOW more food.It takes seven kiIograms of grain toproduce one kil。gram of beeef and increased dernandWill require huge alIlOUnts of grail]一growlng land.MUCofthis,of course,WI’11haveto bewatered“Water tableare now falling in countries that contain over haIf theworld's people"Brown PoInts out.“While numerousariaIysts and P1icy—iliakers are concerned about afuture 0f water shortages,few have really understoodthat a future of water shortages means a future of food’shortages" New figures from the World Bank,he says,showthat 15 per cent of the world’s present food SUpplies,011 which 160 mllIion PeoPle depend,are belnggrown Wlth water drawn from r。pidly decreasl’ngUllderground sources or fron]rivers tha are dryingup Water scientists around the world。gree cha0 withthe earth’s wate land and humanresources,it WOUld be POSSIble to produce enough f。od for the future."But it is probable that today’s foodprodUCtion and environmental trendsWill 1ead to crisesinmany parts Ofthe WOrld,"adds Davld M0lden,atop official at the International Water Management Institute.
Meanwh.1e,climate change is 1eadingtO more intense rains,unPredictablestorms,Ionger-1asting droughts,andinterrupted seasons In Brltal‘n,the severefloods in 1ast summer have resulted in ashortage of vegetables SUCh as potatoes,and cereals such aswheat This came on top of a 4.9 percent rise in food prices in the year to May--well overconsulaaer price inflation--and a 9.6 per cent in creasein vegetable prices,
Britain will be fine,but elsewhere climate change is acatastrophe.Madagascar suffered from seven Gvclonesin the first SiX months of 2007.Predictable weather isbecoming a thing of the past How does the global foodsupply system deal with such changing risk?
G1obal grain sMpplies have not been
as low as they are today for at least
a century
美国农业部说,“今年全球谷物供给量将降至有记录以来的最低点。除了战争时期以外,一百多年里都没有过比现在更低的时候了。”布朗也指出,在过去的八年中有七年,全球谷物的生产量都低于消费量。世界谷物储备——也就是为紧急困难时期储备的粮食—— 目前只够支持五十多天。按照~些专家的说法,我们正处在“粮食过剩后时代”。
同时,气候变化正带来更多的大雨、无、祛预测的风暴、更长时间的干旱和不规律的季节更替。在英国,去年夏季的洪水已导致英国蔬菜和谷物紧缺,比如土豆和小麦。而就在那之前,粮食价格到当年5月份已经上涨了4.9% 一远远高于消费品整体价恪的上涨——而蔬菜价格则上涨了9.6%。
The answer is:with ever-greater difficulty.TheIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predictsthat raindependent agriculture could be cut in half bV 2020 as a result of climate change."Anythmg even close to a 50 per cent reduction in vields would mean huge problems,"says Iosette Sheeran,new director ofthe World Food Programme.Within a week,Lesotho had declared a food emergency after the worst droughtin 30 years and after greatly reduced harvests in nelghbouring Sourh Africa had pushed prices wellbeyond the reach of most of the population. All this is far too negati‘ve,say other analysts andpoliticians.Early 20007 Brazil's president,Luiz Lula.told The Guardian that there was no need at aU forworld food shortages,or for any destruction of foreststo grow more food."Brazil has 320 million hectares[3.2 million sq kin] of arable land,only a fiffh of which iScultivated.Of this,less than four per cent is used forethanol production This is not a choice between food and energy"
Others say that the food-price rlses nOW beingseen are temporary and will fall back within。yearas the market responds.Technologists are lookingto genetically modified crops,or drought-resistantcrops,or trust that biofuel producers will developtechnologies that require less raw material。r use theparts of food that cannot be eaten The answer for nOWis that countries such as Argentina,Poland,Ukraineand Kazakhstan will grow more food for export as theUS reduces its output
Back on the Great Plains,meanwhile,ethanol feveris running high In 2006.there were fewer than 100ethanol factories in the whole of the United States,with a combined production capacity of 19 billion litresAt least 50 more new plants are now being built,andat least 300 more are planned.If even half of them arefinished,they will help to rewrite the politics。f globalfood.
有些分析家和政客认为这种观点太过消极。去年 年初,巴西总统路易斯卢拉告诉《卫报》记者,世界粮食紧缺根本不可能出现,也没有破坏森林获取耕地的必要。他说,“巴西有3.2亿公顷(320万平方公里)的可耕地,其中只有五分之一用来牛产粮食,而这其中用来生产乙醇的土地还占不到4%……粮食和燃料完全可以兼得。”
回到美国的大平原上,乙醇热正方兴未艾,发展得热火朝天。2006年,全美国只有不到100家乙醇工厂,生产能力加起来只有190亿升。现在至少有50座新厂正在建设,还有300座正在规划。即使只有一半得以建成,它们也将改写全球的粮食格局。Moe abort Biofuels...
Producing Ethamol from Corm and Other
Crops IsNot Worth the Energy
Tuming pIants such as com,soybeans and sunflowersinfo fuel uses much more energy than fhe resultingefhanol or biOdiesel generates,according to a newComell UniVersity and UnIVersity of California—BerkeleysfudV"There is iusf no energy benefif fo using planfbiomassfor jlqujd fueI,”says David PimenleI,p rofesspr ofecology and ag riculture at Cornell"These sfrafegies a renot sustainable"PimenfeI and Tad WPatzek,D rOfess0 r 0f civil 0ndenvirOnmental engineering af Berkelev,cOnducfed adelailed analysis Of fhe energy input-yield ratios Ofproducing ethanOI from corn,switch g rass and wOOdblOmass as well as for producing biOdieseI fromsoybean and sunflower planfsIn terms Of energy outpuf compa red with energy inpuffor ethanOl prOducfiOn,the ST。udy fOund fhaf:
comrequi res 29 percenl more fassil energy fhan fhefueI D rOduced:
swjfch g rass requires 45 perce nf mO re fOSSil energyfhan fhe fueI p roduced:and
wood biomass requirees 57 percenl mOre fOSSiI energythan the fueI prOduced.
The Future of Biofueels IS Not In Corn
The tuture Of b1ofUeIs 1s n01 ln corn,says a new report releasedfoday by FOOd&Water Warch,fhe Netwo rk for New EnergyChoices,and the Vermont Law SchooI Insfufe for Energy and fhe EnvirOnme n1丁he com efhonOI ref nery industry.willnot signmcanfly 0ffset U.S.fOSSil fueI consumption withhoU1
unacceptable environmenlaI and econOmic cOnseauences"Rising oiI p rices,energy securify,and gIobal wa rming concemshave 1ed to fodays’ao yellow’hype over com ethanol"expIafned Scoff"CUflen,5enio r Policy AdvisOr for fhe Nek,vork for New Ene『ay Choices“Bul aIl biOfUels are nof equal Expansion of fhe com efhanai lndusfrv w…1ead fo more wafer and airpollufiOn and soll erOsion Of America's farm belt,whiIe failinq tosigncantly offset fossil fuel use Or cOmbaf gIObal warming"The reporf,"The Rush to Ethanol:Not all BioFuels are Equal".isa comDrehenslVe reView Of the IiterafU re On fhe envirOnmenfaland econOmic implicalions DT pinning our hopes on comefhanol to reduce dependency On fossll fueIs Report findingsinclLde fhe f 0llO Wing:
N01 all biofueIs a re eauaI Com——now used to produce95 Derce nf of U.S. ethan01-is the leasf susfainable biOfueIfeeds—tock of all raw maferials cOmmOnIv used
The capOCIT Of corm efhanol foo offset U.S.fOSSil ruel use is eXtremeIy Iimiled Dedlcating fhe entirer U.S.com crop fOefhanOl prOductlion would Only offset5 perce nf Of gasOlinedemand Conversely,modest increases in aulO fueI efficiencvsfandards of even 0ne mile per qallon fOr all Cars and 1iqhftrcls,such as fhose passed by fhe senate last monfh couId cufpelroleum cOnsumptiOn by more fhan all altenative fuels andreDlaceme nf fueIs combined
com efhanol ls the wrong biofuel for combating gIobalwarming The mos}faV0rable esfimafes show that corn efhanolcould reduce g reenhouse gos emissions by 18 pe rcenf fo 28pe rcent,wh_le—cellu—losic ethanol is estimated fo offer a reduc"onof 87 percent compared to gas01ine
Efhonol is not fhe solufion to revitalizing ruraI America Whilehigher commodity prices and cooperafivefy owned efhanoIreflneries couId be a boon to independe nf farmers.unregulatedethanol industry growth will furher—conce—ntrate agribusiness,threafeninq fhe Iivelihood of rUral communitiesThe Coming 迫在眉睫的糖食危机
John Vidaf
he mile uponm of tall maize waving to thehorizon around the small Nebraskan townof Carleton 100ks perfect to farmers SUChas Mark JageIs.He alld his father work 10square kilometres。f 1and.The price of malze--what the Americans call"corn"一has never been higher and thefuture has seldom seemed brighter.Carlet。n is boomingWI’th$200 milllon of Califorman 1Ttoney put up for a nev—biof—uel factory.After severaI s10W years,七here is mewfuU—time,weIl—Paid work for 50 people. There is a Prob Jem,though.The same fields thatsurroundthe Jagels’house on—the Great Plains arebFinging new money to America's farmlands,butthey are alSO helping to pUSh uP the Price of bread inManchesteL tortjllas in Mexlco Citv and beer in MadridAs a direct result of what is happenm‘g in places likeNebraska,Kansas,Indlana and OKLahoma,food aid forthe Poorest people in SOUthern Africa,pork in Chinaand beefin B ritain are a11 more expensive. Challenged by Presldent George W.BUSh toprodUCO 132 bjJljion litres of non—fossil transport fuel。bv 201 7 t0 reduce US dedendencv on imDorted 0i1.thebreadbasket of the world is graduaIly belng turnedinto an enormous fuel tank.Come harvest time inSeptembe almost a11 the maize croP Wi11 end uP atthe new factory at Carleton,where it Wli11 be fermentedinto ethanoL a cleaL co1ourless alcoho1 consumed notby people,butby cars.
“Agrofuels”have arrived In Nebraska alone,anextra 4,000 sq km of maize were planted last year whichWill produce nearly four billion 1itres of ethanol Acrossthe US,20 Per ceilt of the maize crop Wellt to ethan01 in2[)(]6 HOW much is that?Two per cent of US anton]obileuse.A1l this i。part of a global green trend however.Asthe US,Europe,China Japan and other COUrttrl’es are beginnlng to use 10 per cent or more alternativeautomobile fuels,farmers everywhere are hurrying togrow maize,SUgar cane,o.1 palms and oilseed rape allof which can be turmd mfo e出anol or 0fher biofuelsBut that means getting OUt of 0ther crops
The changes are Immense.The Indlan government s。ys it wants to plan 140.000 sq km of biofuel crops,Brazil as much as 1.2 million sq km. SOUthern Africais sald to be the future Middle East of biofuels,Wlth asmuch as4ml。11ion sq km oflandteadyt。beusedforcroPs SUCh as Jatropha Curcas (phySic nut),a tough P1anthat can be gtown on Poor land Indonesl’a has said itintends to produce more than Malaysl‘a by lncreassingit。Palm oil Production from 64.000 sq km now to260,000 sq km in 2025.
While this may be slightly better for CO,rb01"lenll’SSl’OnS and energy securlty it is proving terrible forfood prices and anyone who stallds in the way of a faslgrowlng new industry.A year or two ago,alnl08t a11the 1and in the US where maize is now belng gtown toinake ethanol was farlned for hulnan or alll’mal food:alld since America is the world's largest exporter ofmaize,the price has dOUbled in 10 months,and that ofwheat has risen by abont 50 per cent.
"In 1ast June,wheat prices across the US alldEuroPe hit their highest 1evels in more than a decade"says Mark HⅢfr01TI the consulting firrn Deloicfe.“These Pri‘ceincreases are 1ikely to trigger innation infood prices,as processors are forced to Pay increasedCOSts for basl’c ingredlents SUCh as corn and wheat."
British flour 1TIl’11ers,for example,need 5.5 milliontonnes of wheat a year to produce the 12 millon loavesSOld each day in the UK.MOSt of this wheat is grosvnin Britain,and in the Past year milling—wheat Pricesmoved from around£100 to£200 a tonne.The price ofa stalldard HOViS loaf rose from fo 93 to£O.99 in lastFebruary and more increases Wi11 be conllng,the firmsays,In France,consumers have a1SO been warned t11atthel。baguettes Wi11 be more expensiveCheap food is a thing of the Past,says Hill.Worldcommodity prices of sngar m11k and Cocoa have allrecently gone up."Meat,too,w11l COSt more,because chicken and Pigs are fed 1argely on grain"says HiII."And whik anyone growm’g grai‘ns Will be better offdairy alld ljvestock producers nlay well struggle in thls envlronment."
The surge in demand for agrofuels SUCh as ethan01is hitting the poor alld the environment hardest ofa11.The UN World Food Programme,which feeds abOUt 90 mllli01-1 peopk 1TIOStIy Wlth US maize,saysthat 850 miUiOil people around the world are alreadyundernourlshed.There W111 SOOll be more because theprice of food aid has increased by 20 Per cellt in just a year.Meanwhile,Indian food Prices have risen by11 per cent in a year.SOUth AfrI’Ca has seen fo。d—prl。cerises Of nearly 17 per cent.
In the US,which has nearly 40 mlUion Poor People,the Department of Agrlculture recen1y sal’d it expectsto see a 10 per cent rise in the Price of chicken.Thepri’ces of bread,beee eggs and milk rose by 7.5 Per Celltin last JulM the highest nlonthly rise for 25 years
“The COrnpebfion for gram between the world’s 800m11lion PAotorists,who wan to rllaIntain thelrmobility and its two billiOil poorest peoPle,whoare SirePly to ying to survive,is becomling an epicissue,"says Lester Browr,presl‘dellt of Washington'sWorldwatch Institute think tank and author of the bookWho Will Feed Chinan?
Things are not gomg t。get any bette says BrownThe UN’s World F00d 0rgam’zation Predicts that thedemand for biofLiels will grow by 170 per cent in thenext thFee years.A seParate report fr01TI the OECD,the club of the world’s 30 tichest coun[rl’es,suggestedfood—prl’ce rises of between 20 per cent and 50 per cen[over fhe nest decade
A "Perfect storlli" of ecoIOgical and Soclal factors aPPears t。be gatherlng force,threatenlng huge Rumbersof People wlth f00d shortages and Price rises.Even asthe world’s big farmers are pulling out Of producingfood f0。peoPle and anl’mals,the g10bal poPulation isrising by 87 million peoPle a year; devel。Pi“g countriesSUCh as China and India are switching to meat—baseddiets that need more Iandj alld climate change is startingto hit f。od Producers hard Recent reports in the journal。SCleHce and Nature SUggest that a third of ocean fisherlesare in COllapse;DeVO thirds will be in COll。Pse by 2025;alld all m ajor ocean fisherles may be gone by 2048.
“GIobaI grain SUPplles Will drop to thelf lowestlevels on record“llS year 0utside of wartime,they havenot been this 10w in a celrturv.perhaPs 1onger"says theUS Department of Agrlculture.In seven of the past eightyears,the world has actually grown less grain than ithas consumed,says Brown World stOCks of grain--thatis,the food 11eld in reserve for ti‘mes of emergency——are nOW SLffcient for just over 50 days.According toexPerts,we are in " thepost—f00d—surplUS era"
The food crisis,Brown warns,is only iustbeginnmg.What worries hlnl as much as the newC01TIPetitlon between food and fuel is that the boomingC11lnese and Indlan poPulations--the two lagestnations in the world,xArIth nearly 40 per cent 0f theworld’s population between them--are goving uP theitraditional vegetable—tich dlets for typical"American"diets teat contain more meat and dairy products Mealdemand in China ha。gone“P by 300 per cent in30 years,and in India,m11k and egg Products areincreasingly pOPuIar.
In itsele this is no problelTt,say Brown and others,excePt that it means an increased demand f。r water t。grOW more food.It takes seven kiIograms of grain toproduce one kil。gram of beeef and increased dernandWill require huge alIlOUnts of grail]一growlng land.MUCofthis,of course,WI’11haveto bewatered“Water tableare now falling in countries that contain over haIf theworld's people"Brown PoInts out.“While numerousariaIysts and P1icy—iliakers are concerned about afuture 0f water shortages,few have really understoodthat a future of water shortages means a future of food’shortages" New figures from the World Bank,he says,showthat 15 per cent of the world’s present food SUpplies,011 which 160 mllIion PeoPle depend,are belnggrown Wlth water drawn from r。pidly decreasl’ngUllderground sources or fron]rivers tha are dryingup Water scientists around the world。gree cha0 withthe earth’s wate land and humanresources,it WOUld be POSSIble to produce enough f。od for the future."But it is probable that today’s foodprodUCtion and environmental trendsWill 1ead to crisesinmany parts Ofthe WOrld,"adds Davld M0lden,atop official at the International Water Management Institute.
Meanwh.1e,climate change is 1eadingtO more intense rains,unPredictablestorms,Ionger-1asting droughts,andinterrupted seasons In Brltal‘n,the severe floods in 1ast summer have resulted in ashortage of vegetables SUCh as potatoes,and cereals such aswheat This came on top of a 4.9 percent rise in food prices in the year to May--well overconsulaaer price inflation--and a 9.6 per cent in creasein vegetable prices,
Britain will be fine,but elsewhere climate change is acatastrophe.Madagascar suffered from seven Gvclonesin the first SiX months of 2007.Predictable weather isbecoming a thing of the past How does the global foodsupply system deal with such changing risk?
G1obal grain sMpplies have not been
as low as they are today for at least
a century
同时,气候变化正带来更多的大雨、无、祛预测的风暴、更长时间的干旱和不规律的季节更替。在英国,去年夏季的洪水已导致英国蔬菜和谷物紧缺,比如土豆和小麦。而就在那之前,粮食价格到当年5月份已经上涨了4.9% 一远远高于消费品整体价恪的上涨——而蔬菜价格则上涨了9.6%。
The answer is:with ever-greater difficulty.TheIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predictsthat raindependent agriculture could be cut in half bV 2020 as a result of climate change."Anythmg even close to a 50 per cent reduction in vields would mean huge problems,"says Iosette Sheeran,new director ofthe World Food Programme.Within a week,Lesotho had declared a food emergency after the worst droughtin 30 years and after greatly reduced harvests in nelghbouring Sourh Africa had pushed prices wellbeyond the reach of most of the population. All this is far too negati‘ve,say other analysts andpoliticians.Early 20007 Brazil's president,Luiz Lula.told The Guardian that there was no need at aU forworld food shortages,or for any destruction of foreststo grow more food."Brazil has 320 million hectares[3.2 million sq kin] of arable land,only a fiffh of which iScultivated.Of this,less than four per cent is used forethanol production This is not a choice between food and energy"
Others say that the food-price rlses nOW beingseen are temporary and will fall back within。year as the market responds.Technologists are lookingto genetically modified crops,or drought-resistantcrops,or trust that biofuel producers will developtechnologies that require less raw material。r use theparts of food that cannot be eaten The answer for nOWis that countries such as Argentina,Poland,Ukraineand Kazakhstan will grow more food for export as theUS reduces its output
Back on the Great Plains,meanwhile,ethanol feveris running high In 2006.there were fewer than 100ethanol factories in the whole of the United States,with a combined production capacity of 19 billion litresAt least 50 more new plants are now being built,andat least 300 more are planned.If even half of them arefinished,they will help to rewrite the politics。f globalfood.
回到美国的大平原上,乙醇热正方兴未艾,发展得热火朝天。2006年,全美国只有不到100家乙醇工厂,生产能力加起来只有190亿升。现在至少有50座新厂正在建设,还有300座正在规划。即使只有一半得以建成,它们也将改写全球的粮食格局。Moe abort Biofuels...
Producing Ethamol from Corm and Other
Crops IsNot Worth the Energy
Tuming pIants such as com,soybeans and sunflowersinfo fuel uses much more energy than fhe resultingefhanol or biOdiesel generates,according to a newComell UniVersity and UnIVersity of California—BerkeleysfudV"There is iusf no energy benefif fo using planfbiomassfor jlqujd fueI,”says David PimenleI,p rofesspr ofecology and ag riculture at Cornell"These sfrafegies a renot sustainable"PimenfeI and Tad WPatzek,D rOfess0 r 0f civil 0ndenvirOnmental engineering af Berkelev,cOnducfed adelailed analysis Of fhe energy input-yield ratios Ofproducing ethanOI from corn,switch g rass and wOOdblOmass as well as for producing biOdieseI fromsoybean and sunflower planfsIn terms Of energy outpuf compa red with energy inpuffor ethanOl prOducfiOn,the ST。udy fOund fhaf:
comrequi res 29 percenl more fassil energy fhan fhefueI D rOduced:
swjfch g rass requires 45 perce nf mO re fOSSil energyfhan fhe fueI p roduced:and
wood biomass requirees 57 percenl mOre fOSSiI energythan the fueI prOduced.
The Future of Biofueels IS Not In Corn
The tuture Of b1ofUeIs 1s n01 ln corn,says a new report releasedfoday by FOOd&Water Warch,fhe Netwo rk for New EnergyChoices,and the Vermont Law SchooI Insfufe for Energy and fhe EnvirOnme n1丁he com efhonOI ref nery industry.willnot signmcanfly 0ffset U.S.fOSSil fueI consumption withhoU1 unacceptable environmenlaI and econOmic cOnseauences"Rising oiI p rices,energy securify,and gIobal wa rming concemshave 1ed to fodays’ao yellow’hype over com ethanol"expIafned Scoff"CUflen,5enio r Policy AdvisOr for fhe Nek,vork for New Ene『ay Choices“Bul aIl biOfUels are nof equal Expansion of fhe com efhanai lndusfrv w…1ead fo more wafer and airpollufiOn and soll erOsion Of America's farm belt,whiIe failinq tosigncantly offset fossil fuel use Or cOmbaf gIObal warming"The reporf,"The Rush to Ethanol:Not all BioFuels are Equal".isa comDrehenslVe reView Of the IiterafU re On fhe envirOnmenfaland econOmic implicalions DT pinning our hopes on comefhanol to reduce dependency On fossll fueIs Report findingsinclLde fhe f 0llO Wing:
N01 all biofueIs a re eauaI Com——now used to produce95 Derce nf of U.S. ethan01-is the leasf susfainable biOfueIfeeds—tock of all raw maferials cOmmOnIv used
The capOCIT Of corm efhanol foo offset U.S.fOSSil ruel useis eXtremeIy Iimiled Dedlcating fhe entirer U.S.com crop fOefhanOl prOductlion would Only offset5 perce nf Of gasOlinedemand Conversely,modest increases in aulO fueI efficiencvsfandards of even 0ne mile per qallon fOr all Cars and 1iqhftrcls,such as fhose passed by fhe senate last monfh couId cufpelroleum cOnsumptiOn by more fhan all altenative fuels andreDlaceme nf fueIs combined
com efhanol ls the wrong biofuel for combating gIobalwarming The mos}faV0rable esfimafes show that corn efhanolcould reduce g reenhouse gos emissions by 18 pe rcenf fo 28pe rcent,wh_le—cellu—losic ethanol is estimated fo offer a reduc"onof 87 percent compared to gas01ine
Efhonol is not fhe solufion to revitalizing ruraI America Whilehigher commodity prices and cooperafivefy owned efhanoIreflneries couId be a boon to independe nf farmers.unregulatedethanol industry growth will furher—conce—ntrate agribusiness,threafeninq fhe Iivelihood of rUral communitiesThe Coming 迫在眉睫的糖食危机
John Vidaf
he mile uponm of tall maize waving to thehorizon around the small Nebraskan townof Carleton 100ks perfect to farmers SUChas Mark JageIs.He alld his father work 10square kilometres。f 1and.The price of malze--what the Americans call"corn"一has never been higher and thefuture has seldom seemed brighter.Carlet。n is boomingWI’th$200 milllon of Califorman 1Ttoney put up for a nev—biof—uel factory.After severaI s10W years,七here is mewfuU—time,weIl—Paid work for 50 people. There is a Prob Jem,though.The same fields thatsurroundthe Jagels’house on—the Great Plains arebFinging new money to America's farmlands,butthey are alSO helping to pUSh uP the Price of bread inManchesteL tortjllas in Mexlco Citv and beer in MadridAs a direct result of what is happenm‘g in places like Nebraska,Kansas,Indlana and OKLahoma,food aid forthe Poorest people in SOUthern Africa,pork in Chinaand beefin B ritain are a11 more expensive. Challenged by Presldent George W.BUSh toprodUCO 132 bjJljion litres of non—fossil transport fuel。bv 201 7 t0 reduce US dedendencv on imDorted 0i1.thebreadbasket of the world is graduaIly belng turnedinto an enormous fuel tank.Come harvest time inSeptembe almost a11 the maize croP Wi11 end uP atthe new factory at Carleton,where it Wli11 be fermentedinto ethanoL a cleaL co1ourless alcoho1 consumed notby people,butby cars.
“Agrofuels”have arrived In Nebraska alone,anextra 4,000 sq km of maize were planted last year whichWill produce nearly four billion 1itres of ethanol Acrossthe US,20 Per ceilt of the maize crop Wellt to ethan01 in2[)(]6 HOW much is that?Two per cent of US anton]obileuse.A1l this i。part of a global green trend however.Asthe US,Europe,China Japan and other COUrttrl’es arebeginnlng to use 10 per cent or more alternativeautomobile fuels,farmers everywhere are hurrying togrow maize,SUgar cane,o.1 palms and oilseed rape allof which can be turmd mfo e出anol or 0fher biofuelsBut that means getting OUt of 0ther crops
The changes are Immense.The Indlan government s。ys it wants to plan 140.000 sq km of biofuel crops,Brazil as much as 1.2 million sq km. SOUthern Africais sald to be the future Middle East of biofuels,Wlth asmuch as4ml。11ion sq km oflandteadyt。beusedforcroPs SUCh as Jatropha Curcas (phySic nut),a tough P1anthat can be gtown on Poor land Indonesl’a has said itintends to produce more than Malaysl‘a by lncreassingit。Palm oil Production from 64.000 sq km now to260,000 sq km in 2025.
While this may be slightly better for CO,rb01"lenll’SSl’OnS and energy securlty it is proving terrible forfood prices and anyone who stallds in the way of a faslgrowlng new industry.A year or two ago,alnl08t a11the 1and in the US where maize is now belng gtown toinake ethanol was farlned for hulnan or alll’mal food:alld since America is the world's largest exporter ofmaize,the price has dOUbled in 10 months,and that ofwheat has risen by abont 50 per cent. "In 1ast June,wheat prices across the US alldEuroPe hit their highest 1evels in more than a decade"says Mark HⅢfr01TI the consulting firrn Deloicfe.“These Pri‘ceincreases are 1ikely to trigger innation infood prices,as processors are forced to Pay increasedCOSts for basl’c ingredlents SUCh as corn and wheat."
British flour 1TIl’11ers,for example,need 5.5 milliontonnes of wheat a year to produce the 12 millon loavesSOld each day in the UK.MOSt of this wheat is grosvnin Britain,and in the Past year milling—wheat Pricesmoved from around£100 to£200 a tonne.The price ofa stalldard HOViS loaf rose from fo 93 to£O.99 in lastFebruary and more increases Wi11 be conllng,the firmsays,In France,consumers have a1SO been warned t11atthel。baguettes Wi11 be more expensiveCheap food is a thing of the Past,says Hill.Worldcommodity prices of sngar m11k and Cocoa have allrecently gone up."Meat,too,w11l COSt more,because chicken and Pigs are fed 1argely on grain"says HiII."And whik anyone growm’g grai‘ns Will be better offdairy alld ljvestock producers nlay well struggle in thls envlronment."
The surge in demand for agrofuels SUCh as ethan01is hitting the poor alld the environment hardest ofa11.The UN World Food Programme,which feeds abOUt 90 mllli01-1 peopk 1TIOStIy Wlth US maize,saysthat 850 miUiOil people around the world are alreadyundernourlshed.There W111 SOOll be more because theprice of food aid has increased by 20 Per cellt in just a year.Meanwhile,Indian food Prices have risen by11 per cent in a year.SOUth AfrI’Ca has seen fo。d—prl。cerises Of nearly 17 per cent.
In the US,which has nearly 40 mlUion Poor People,the Department of Agrlculture recen1y sal’d it expectsto see a 10 per cent rise in the Price of chicken.Thepri’ces of bread,beee eggs and milk rose by 7.5 Per Celltin last JulM the highest nlonthly rise for 25 years
“The COrnpebfion for gram between the world’s 800m11lion PAotorists,who wan to rllaIntain thelrmobility and its two billiOil poorest peoPle,whoare SirePly to ying to survive,is becomling an epicissue,"says Lester Browr,presl‘dellt of Washington'sWorldwatch Institute think tank and author of the bookWho Will Feed Chinan?
Things are not gomg t。get any bette says BrownThe UN’s World F00d 0rgam’zation Predicts that thedemand for biofLiels will grow by 170 per cent in thenext thFee years.A seParate report fr01TI the OECD,the club of the world’s 30 tichest coun[rl’es,suggestedfood—prl’ce rises of between 20 per cent and 50 per cen[over fhe nest decade
“去年6月,美国和欧洲各国的小麦价格达到了十 多年来的最高点,”德勤咨询公司的马克西尔说,“这些价格卜涨有可能引发食品价格的飞涨,因为粮食加工企业不得不为玉米、小麦这样的基本原料付出更高的成本。一
A "Perfect storlli" of ecoIOgical and Soclal factorsaPPears t。be gatherlng force,threatenlng huge Rumbersof People wlth f00d shortages and Price rises.Even asthe world’s big farmers are pulling out Of producingfood f0。peoPle and anl’mals,the g10bal poPulation isrising by 87 million peoPle a year; devel。Pi“g countriesSUCh as China and India are switching to meat—baseddiets that need more Iandj alld climate change is startingto hit f。od Producers hard Recent reports in the journal。SCleHce and Nature SUggest that a third of ocean fisherlesare in COllapse;DeVO thirds will be in COll。Pse by 2025;alld all m ajor ocean fisherles may be gone by 2048.
“GIobaI grain SUPplles Will drop to thelf lowestlevels on record“llS year 0utside of wartime,they havenot been this 10w in a celrturv.perhaPs 1onger"says theUS Department of Agrlculture.In seven of the past eightyears,the world has actually grown less grain than ithas consumed,says Brown World stOCks of grain--thatis,the food 11eld in reserve for ti‘mes of emergency——are nOW SLffcient for just over 50 days.According toexPerts,we are in " thepost—f00d—surplUS era"
The food crisis,Brown warns,is only iustbeginnmg.What worries hlnl as much as the newC01TIPetitlon between food and fuel is that the boomingC11lnese and Indlan poPulations--the two lagestnations in the world,xArIth nearly 40 per cent 0f theworld’s population between them--are goving uP theitraditional vegetable—tich dlets for typical"American"diets teat contain more meat and dairy products Mealdemand in China ha。gone“P by 300 per cent in30 years,and in India,m11k and egg Products areincreasingly pOPuIar.
In itsele this is no problelTt,say Brown and others,excePt that it means an increased demand f。r water t。grOW more food.It takes seven kiIograms of grain toproduce one kil。gram of beeef and increased dernandWill require huge alIlOUnts of grail]一growlng land.MUCofthis,of course,WI’11haveto bewatered“Water tableare now falling in countries that contain over haIf theworld's people"Brown PoInts out.“While numerous ariaIysts and P1icy—iliakers are concerned about afuture 0f water shortages,few have really understoodthat a future of water shortages means a future of food’shortages" New figures from the World Bank,he says,showthat 15 per cent of the world’s present food SUpplies,011 which 160 mllIion PeoPle depend,are belnggrown Wlth water drawn from r。pidly decreasl’ngUllderground sources or fron]rivers tha are dryingup Water scientists around the world。gree cha0 withthe earth’s wate land and humanresources,it WOUld be POSSIble to produce enough f。od for the future."But it is probable that today’s foodprodUCtion and environmental trendsWill 1ead to crisesinmany parts Ofthe WOrld,"adds Davld M0lden,atop official at the International Water Management Institute.
Meanwh.1e,climate change is 1eadingtO more intense rains,unPredictablestorms,Ionger-1asting droughts,andinterrupted seasons In Brltal‘n,the severefloods in 1ast summer have resulted in ashortage of vegetables SUCh as potatoes,and cereals such aswheat This came on top of a 4.9 percent rise in food prices in the year to May--well overconsulaaer price inflation--and a 9.6 per cent in creasein vegetable prices,
Britain will be fine,but elsewhere climate change is acatastrophe.Madagascar suffered from seven Gvclonesin the first SiX months of 2007.Predictable weather isbecoming a thing of the past How does the global foodsupply system deal with such changing risk?
G1obal grain sMpplies have not been
as low as they are today for at least
a century
同时,气候变化正带来更多的大雨、无、祛预测的风暴、更长时间的干旱和不规律的季节更替。在英国,去年夏季的洪水已导致英国蔬菜和谷物紧缺,比如土豆和小麦。而就在那之前,粮食价格到当年5月份已经上涨了4.9% 一远远高于消费品整体价恪的上涨——而蔬菜价格则上涨了9.6%。
The answer is:with ever-greater difficulty.TheIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predictsthat raindependent agriculture could be cut in half bV 2020 as a result of climate change."Anythmg even close to a 50 per cent reduction in vields would mean huge problems,"says Iosette Sheeran,new director ofthe World Food Programme.Within a week,Lesotho had declared a food emergency after the worst droughtin 30 years and after greatly reduced harvests in nelghbouring Sourh Africa had pushed prices wellbeyond the reach of most of the population. All this is far too negati‘ve,say other analysts andpoliticians.Early 20007 Brazil's president,Luiz Lula.told The Guardian that there was no need at aU forworld food shortages,or for any destruction of foreststo grow more food."Brazil has 320 million hectares[3.2 million sq kin] of arable land,only a fiffh of which iScultivated.Of this,less than four per cent is used forethanol production This is not a choice between food and energy"
Others say that the food-price rlses nOW beingseen are temporary and will fall back within。yearas the market responds.Technologists are lookingto genetically modified crops,or drought-resistantcrops,or trust that biofuel producers will developtechnologies that require less raw material。r use theparts of food that cannot be eaten The answer for nOWis that countries such as Argentina,Poland,Ukraineand Kazakhstan will grow more food for export as theUS reduces its output
Back on the Great Plains,meanwhile,ethanol feveris running high In 2006.there were fewer than 100ethanol factories in the whole of the United States,with a combined production capacity of 19 billion litresAt least 50 more new plants are now being built,andat least 300 more are planned.If even half of them arefinished,they will help to rewrite the politics。f globalfood.
回到美国的大平原上,乙醇热正方兴未艾,发展得热火朝天。2006年,全美国只有不到100家乙醇工厂,生产能力加起来只有190亿升。现在至少有50座新厂正在建设,还有300座正在规划。即使只有一半得以建成,它们也将改写全球的粮食格局。Moe abort Biofuels...
Producing Ethamol from Corm and Other
Crops IsNot Worth the Energy
Tuming pIants such as com,soybeans and sunflowersinfo fuel uses much more energy than fhe resultingefhanol or biOdiesel generates,according to a newComell UniVersity and UnIVersity of California—BerkeleysfudV"There is iusf no energy benefif fo using planfbiomassfor jlqujd fueI,”says David PimenleI,p rofesspr ofecology and ag riculture at Cornell"These sfrafegies a renot sustainable"PimenfeI and Tad WPatzek,D rOfess0 r 0f civil 0nd envirOnmental engineering af Berkelev,cOnducfed adelailed analysis Of fhe energy input-yield ratios Ofproducing ethanOI from corn,switch g rass and wOOdblOmass as well as for producing biOdieseI fromsoybean and sunflower planfsIn terms Of energy outpuf compa red with energy inpuffor ethanOl prOducfiOn,the ST。udy fOund fhaf:
comrequi res 29 percenl more fassil energy fhan fhefueI D rOduced:
swjfch g rass requires 45 perce nf mO re fOSSil energyfhan fhe fueI p roduced:and
wood biomass requirees 57 percenl mOre fOSSiI energythan the fueI prOduced.
The Future of Biofueels IS Not In Corn
The tuture Of b1ofUeIs 1s n01 ln corn,says a new report releasedfoday by FOOd&Water Warch,fhe Netwo rk for New EnergyChoices,and the Vermont Law SchooI Insfufe for Energy and fhe EnvirOnme n1丁he com efhonOI ref nery industry.willnot signmcanfly 0ffset U.S.fOSSil fueI consumption withhoU1
unacceptable environmenlaI and econOmic cOnseauences"Rising oiI p rices,energy securify,and gIobal wa rming concemshave 1ed to fodays’ao yellow’hype over com ethanol"expIafned Scoff"CUflen,5enio r Policy AdvisOr for fhe Nek,vork for New Eneway Choices“Bul aIl biOfUels are nof equal Expansion of fhe com efhanai lndusfrv wiead fo more wafer and airpollufiOn and soll erOsion Of America's farm belt,whiIe failinq tosigncantly offset fossil fuel use Or cOmbaf gIObal warming"The reporf,"The Rush to Ethanol:Not all BioFuels are Equal".isa comDrehenslVe reView Of the IiterafU re On fhe envirOnmenfaland econOmic implicalions DT pinning our hopes on comefhanol to reduce dependency On fossll fueIs Report findingsinclLde fhe foll Wing:
N01 all biofueIs a re eauaI Com——now used to produce95 Derce nf of U.S. ethan01-is the leasf susfainable biOfueIfeeds—tock of all raw maferials cOmmOnIv used
The capOCIT Of corm efhanol foo offset U.S.fOSSil ruel useis eXtremeIy Iimiled Dedlcating fhe entirer U.S.com crop fOefhanOl prOductlion would Only offset5 perce nf Of gasOlinedemand Conversely,modest increases in aulO fueI efficiencvsfandards of even 0ne mile per qallon fOr all Cars and 1iqhftrcls,such as fhose passed by fhe senate last monfh couId cufpelroleum cOnsumptiOn by more fhan all altenative fuels andreDlaceme nf fueis combined
com efhanol is the wrong biofuel for combating gIobalwarming The mos}faV0rable esfimafes show that corn efhanolcould reduce g reenhouse gos emissions by 18 pe rcenf fo 28pe rcent,wh_le—cellu—losic ethanol is estimated fo offer a reduc"onof 87 percent compared to gas01ine
Efhonol is not fhe solufion to revitalizing ruraI America Whilehigher commodity prices and cooperafivefy owned efhanoIreflneries couId be a boon to independe nf farmers.unregulatedethanol industry growth will furher—conce—ntrate agribusiness,threafeninq fhe Iivelihood of rUral communities
he mile uponm of tall maize waving to thehorizon around the small Nebraskan townof Carleton 100ks perfect to farmers SUChas Mark JageIs.He alld his father work 10square kilometres。f 1and.The price of malze--what the Americans call"corn"一has never been higher and thefuture has seldom seemed brighter.Carlet。n is boomingWI’th$200 milllon of Califorman 1Ttoney put up for a nev—biof—uel factory.After severaI s10W years,七here is mewfuU—time,weIl—Paid work for 50 people. There is a Prob Jem,though.The same fields thatsurroundthe Jagels’house on—the Great Plains arebFinging new money to America's farmlands,butthey are alSO helping to pUSh uP the Price of bread inManchesteL tortjllas in Mexlco Citv and beer in MadridAs a direct result of what is happenm‘g in places likeNebraska,Kansas,Indlana and OKLahoma,food aid forthe Poorest people in SOUthern Africa,pork in Chinaand beefin B ritain are a11 more expensive. Challenged by Presldent George W.BUSh toprodUCO 132 bjJljion litres of non—fossil transport fuel。bv 201 7 t0 reduce US dedendencv on imDorted 0i1.thebreadbasket of the world is graduaIly belng turnedinto an enormous fuel tank.Come harvest time inSeptembe almost a11 the maize croP Wi11 end uP atthe new factory at Carleton,where it Wli11 be fermentedinto ethanoL a cleaL co1ourless alcoho1 consumed notby people,butby cars.
“Agrofuels”have arrived In Nebraska alone,anextra 4,000 sq km of maize were planted last year whichWill produce nearly four billion 1itres of ethanol Acrossthe US,20 Per ceilt of the maize crop Wellt to ethan01 in2[)(]6 HOW much is that?Two per cent of US anton]obileuse.A1l this i。part of a global green trend however.Asthe US,Europe,China Japan and other COUrttrl’es arebeginnlng to use 10 per cent or more alternativeautomobile fuels,farmers everywhere are hurrying togrow maize,SUgar cane,o.1 palms and oilseed rape allof which can be turmd mfo e出anol or 0fher biofuelsBut that means getting OUt of 0ther crops
“农产燃料”的时代已经到来。仅在内布拉斯加州,去年就增种了4,000平方公里的玉米,可以生产近40亿升的乙醇。在整个美国,2006年全部玉米产量的20%都被加工成了乙醇。这到底有多少呢?占了美国全年车用燃料的2%。然而,所有这些只是世界环保潮流的一部分。由于美国、欧洲、中国、日本以及其他一些国家打算将10%甚至更多的汽车燃料换成替代品,世界各地的农民正在加紧种植玉米、甘蔗、油椰 子和油菜等作物,这些作物都能被加工成乙醇或其他生物燃料。但这样做就意味着逐渐放弃利植其他作物。
The changes are Immense.The Indlan government s。ys it wants to plan 140.000 sq km of biofuel crops,Brazil as much as 1.2 million sq km. SOUthern Africais sald to be the future Middle East of biofuels,Wlth asmuch as4ml。11ion sq km oflandteadyt。beusedforcroPs SUCh as Jatropha Curcas (phySic nut),a tough P1anthat can be gtown on Poor land Indonesl’a has said itintends to produce more than Malaysl‘a by lncreassingit。Palm oil Production from 64.000 sq km now to260,000 sq km in 2025.
While this may be slightly better for CO,rb01"lenll’SSl’OnS and energy securlty it is proving terrible forfood prices and anyone who stallds in the way of a faslgrowlng new industry.A year or two ago,alnl08t a11the 1and in the US where maize is now belng gtown toinake ethanol was farlned for hulnan or alll’mal food:alld since America is the world's largest exporter ofmaize,the price has dOUbled in 10 months,and that ofwheat has risen by abont 50 per cent.
"In 1ast June,wheat prices across the US alldEuroPe hit their highest 1evels in more than a decade"says Mark HⅢfr01TI the consulting firrn Deloicfe.“These Pri‘ceincreases are 1ikely to trigger innation infood prices,as processors are forced to Pay increasedCOSts for basl’c ingredlents SUCh as corn and wheat."
British flour 1TIl’11ers,for example,need 5.5 milliontonnes of wheat a year to produce the 12 millon loavesSOld each day in the UK.MOSt of this wheat is grosvnin Britain,and in the Past year milling—wheat Pricesmoved from around£100 to£200 a tonne.The price ofa stalldard HOViS loaf rose from fo 93 to£O.99 in lastFebruary and more increases Wi11 be conllng,the firmsays,In France,consumers have a1SO been warned t11atthel。baguettes Wi11 be more expensiveCheap food is a thing of the Past,says Hill.Worldcommodity prices of sngar m11k and Cocoa have allrecently gone up."Meat,too,w11l COSt more,because chicken and Pigs are fed 1argely on grain"says HiII."And whik anyone growm’g grai‘ns Will be better offdairy alld ljvestock producers nlay well struggle in thls envlronment."
The surge in demand for agrofuels SUCh as ethan01is hitting the poor alld the environment hardest ofa11.The UN World Food Programme,which feeds abOUt 90 mllli01-1 peopk 1TIOStIy Wlth US maize,saysthat 850 miUiOil people around the world are alreadyundernourlshed.There W111 SOOll be more because theprice of food aid has increased by 20 Per cellt in just a year.Meanwhile,Indian food Prices have risen by11 per cent in a year.SOUth AfrI’Ca has seen fo。d—prl。cerises Of nearly 17 per cent.
In the US,which has nearly 40 mlUion Poor People,the Department of Agrlculture recen1y sal’d it expectsto see a 10 per cent rise in the Price of chicken.Thepri’ces of bread,beee eggs and milk rose by 7.5 Per Celltin last JulM the highest nlonthly rise for 25 years
“The COrnpebfion for gram between the world’s 800 m11lion PAotorists,who wan to rllaIntain thelrmobility and its two billiOil poorest peoPle,whoare SirePly to ying to survive,is becomling an epicissue,"says Lester Browr,presl‘dellt of Washington'sWorldwatch Institute think tank and author of the bookWho Will Feed Chinan?
Things are not gomg t。get any bette says BrownThe UN’s World F00d 0rgam’zation Predicts that thedemand for biofLiels will grow by 170 per cent in thenext thFee years.A seParate report fr01TI the OECD,the club of the world’s 30 tichest coun[rl’es,suggestedfood—prl’ce rises of between 20 per cent and 50 per cen[over fhe nest decade
A "Perfect storlli" of ecoIOgical and Soclal factorsaPPears t。be gatherlng force,threatenlng huge Rumbersof People wlth f00d shortages and Price rises.Even asthe world’s big farmers are pulling out Of producingfood f0。peoPle and anl’mals,the g10bal poPulation isrising by 87 million peoPle a year; devel。Pi“g countriesSUCh as China and India are switching to meat—baseddiets that need more Iandj alld climate change is startingto hit f。od Producers hard Recent reports in the journal。SCleHce and Nature SUggest that a third of ocean fisherlesare in COllapse;DeVO thirds will be in COll。Pse by 2025;alld all m ajor ocean fisherles may be gone by 2048.
“GIobaI grain SUPplles Will drop to thelf lowestlevels on record“llS year 0utside of wartime,they havenot been this 10w in a celrturv.perhaPs 1onger"says theUS Department of Agrlculture.In seven of the past eightyears,the world has actually grown less grain than ithas consumed,says Brown World stOCks of grain--thatis,the food 11eld in reserve for ti‘mes of emergency——are nOW SLffcient for just over 50 days.According to exPerts,we are in " thepost—f00d—surplUS era"
The food crisis,Brown warns,is only iustbeginnmg.What worries hlnl as much as the newC01TIPetitlon between food and fuel is that the boomingC11lnese and Indlan poPulations--the two lagestnations in the world,xArIth nearly 40 per cent 0f theworld’s population between them--are goving uP theitraditional vegetable—tich dlets for typical"American"diets teat contain more meat and dairy products Mealdemand in China ha。gone“P by 300 per cent in30 years,and in India,m11k and egg Products areincreasingly pOPuIar.
In itsele this is no problelTt,say Brown and others,excePt that it means an increased demand f。r water t。grOW more food.It takes seven kiIograms of grain toproduce one kil。gram of beeef and increased dernandWill require huge alIlOUnts of grail]一growlng land.MUCofthis,of course,WI’11haveto bewatered“Water tableare now falling in countries that contain over haIf theworld's people"Brown PoInts out.“While numerousariaIysts and P1icy—iliakers are concerned about afuture 0f water shortages,few have really understoodthat a future of water shortages means a future of food’shortages" New figures from the World Bank,he says,showthat 15 per cent of the world’s present food SUpplies,011 which 160 mllIion PeoPle depend,are belnggrown Wlth water drawn from r。pidly decreasl’ngUllderground sources or fron]rivers tha are dryingup Water scientists around the world。gree cha0 withthe earth’s wate land and humanresources,it WOUld be POSSIble to produce enough f。od for the future."But it is probable that today’s foodprodUCtion and environmental trendsWill 1ead to crisesinmany parts Ofthe WOrld,"adds Davld M0lden,atop official at the International Water Management Institute.
Meanwh.1e,climate change is 1eadingtO more intense rains,unPredictablestorms,Ionger-1asting droughts,andinterrupted seasons In Brltal‘n,the severefloods in 1ast summer have resulted in ashortage of vegetables SUCh as potatoes,and cereals such aswheat This came on top of a 4.9 percent rise in food prices in the year to May--well overconsulaaer price inflation--and a 9.6 per cent in creasein vegetable prices,
Britain will be fine,but elsewhere climate change is acatastrophe.Madagascar suffered from seven Gvclonesin the first SiX months of 2007.Predictable weather isbecoming a thing of the past How does the global foodsupply system deal with such changing risk?
G1obal grain sMpplies have not been
as low as they are today for at least
a century
美国农业部说,“今年全球谷物供给量将降至有记录以来的最低点。除了战争时期以外,一百多年里都没有过比现在更低的时候了。”布朗也指出,在过去的八年中有七年,全球谷物的生产量都低于消费量。世界谷物储备——也就是为紧急困难时期储备的粮食—— 目前只够支持五十多天。按照~些专家的说法,我们正处在“粮食过剩后时代”。
同时,气候变化正带来更多的大雨、无、祛预测的风暴、更长时间的干旱和不规律的季节更替。在英国,去年夏季的洪水已导致英国蔬菜和谷物紧缺,比如土豆和小麦。而就在那之前,粮食价格到当年5月份已经上涨了4.9% 一远远高于消费品整体价恪的上涨——而蔬菜价格则上涨了9.6%。
The answer is:with ever-greater difficulty.TheIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predictsthat raindependent agriculture could be cut in half bV 2020 as a result of climate change."Anythmg even close to a 50 per cent reduction in vields would mean huge problems,"says Iosette Sheeran,new director ofthe World Food Programme.Within a week,Lesotho had declared a food emergency after the worst droughtin 30 years and after greatly reduced harvests in nelghbouring Sourh Africa had pushed prices wellbeyond the reach of most of the population. All this is far too negati‘ve,say other analysts andpoliticians.Early 20007 Brazil's president,Luiz Lula.told The Guardian that there was no need at aU forworld food shortages,or for any destruction of foreststo grow more food."Brazil has 320 million hectares[3.2 million sq kin] of arable land,only a fiffh of which iScultivated.Of this,less than four per cent is used forethanol production This is not a choice between food and energy"
Others say that the food-price rlses nOW beingseen are temporary and will fall back within。yearas the market responds.Technologists are lookingto genetically modified crops,or drought-resistantcrops,or trust that biofuel producers will developtechnologies that require less raw material。r use theparts of food that cannot be eaten The answer for nOWis that countries such as Argentina,Poland,Ukraineand Kazakhstan will grow more food for export as theUS reduces its output
Back on the Great Plains,meanwhile,ethanol feveris running high In 2006.there were fewer than 100ethanol factories in the whole of the United States,with a combined production capacity of 19 billion litresAt least 50 more new plants are now being built,andat least 300 more are planned.If even half of them arefinished,they will help to rewrite the politics。f globalfood.
有些分析家和政客认为这种观点太过消极。去年 年初,巴西总统路易斯卢拉告诉《卫报》记者,世界粮食紧缺根本不可能出现,也没有破坏森林获取耕地的必要。他说,“巴西有3.2亿公顷(320万平方公里)的可耕地,其中只有五分之一用来牛产粮食,而这其中用来生产乙醇的土地还占不到4%……粮食和燃料完全可以兼得。”
回到美国的大平原上,乙醇热正方兴未艾,发展得热火朝天。2006年,全美国只有不到100家乙醇工厂,生产能力加起来只有190亿升。现在至少有50座新厂正在建设,还有300座正在规划。即使只有一半得以建成,它们也将改写全球的粮食格局。Moe abort Biofuels...
Producing Ethamol from Corm and Other
Crops IsNot Worth the Energy
Tuming pIants such as com,soybeans and sunflowersinfo fuel uses much more energy than fhe resultingefhanol or biOdiesel generates,according to a newComell UniVersity and UnIVersity of California—BerkeleysfudV"There is iusf no energy benefif fo using planfbiomassfor jlqujd fueI,”says David PimenleI,p rofesspr ofecology and ag riculture at Cornell"These sfrafegies a renot sustainable"PimenfeI and Tad WPatzek,D rOfess0 r 0f civil 0ndenvirOnmental engineering af Berkelev,cOnducfed adelailed analysis Of fhe energy input-yield ratios Ofproducing ethanOI from corn,switch g rass and wOOdblOmass as well as for producing biOdieseI fromsoybean and sunflower planfsIn terms Of energy outpuf compa red with energy inpuffor ethanOl prOducfiOn,the ST。udy fOund fhaf:
comrequi res 29 percenl more fassil energy fhan fhefueI D rOduced:
swjfch g rass requires 45 perce nf mO re fOSSil energyfhan fhe fueI p roduced:and
wood biomass requirees 57 percenl mOre fOSSiI energythan the fueI prOduced.
The Future of Biofueels IS Not In Corn
The tuture Of b1ofUeIs 1s n01 ln corn,says a new report releasedfoday by FOOd&Water Warch,fhe Netwo rk for New EnergyChoices,and the Vermont Law SchooI Insfufe for Energy and fhe EnvirOnme n1丁he com efhonOI ref nery industry.willnot signmcanfly 0ffset U.S.fOSSil fueI consumption withhoU1
unacceptable environmenlaI and econOmic cOnseauences"Rising oiI p rices,energy securify,and gIobal wa rming concemshave 1ed to fodays’ao yellow’hype over com ethanol"expIafned Scoff"CUflen,5enio r Policy AdvisOr for fhe Nek,vork for New Ene『ay Choices“Bul aIl biOfUels are nof equal Expansion of fhe com efhanai lndusfrv w…1ead fo more wafer and airpollufiOn and soll erOsion Of America's farm belt,whiIe failinq tosigncantly offset fossil fuel use Or cOmbaf gIObal warming"The reporf,"The Rush to Ethanol:Not all BioFuels are Equal".isa comDrehenslVe reView Of the IiterafU re On fhe envirOnmenfaland econOmic implicalions DT pinning our hopes on comefhanol to reduce dependency On fossll fueIs Report findingsinclLde fhe f 0llO Wing:
N01 all biofueIs a re eauaI Com——now used to produce95 Derce nf of U.S. ethan01-is the leasf susfainable biOfueIfeeds—tock of all raw maferials cOmmOnIv used
The capOCIT Of corm efhanol foo offset U.S.fOSSil ruel use is eXtremeIy Iimiled Dedlcating fhe entirer U.S.com crop fOefhanOl prOductlion would Only offset5 perce nf Of gasOlinedemand Conversely,modest increases in aulO fueI efficiencvsfandards of even 0ne mile per qallon fOr all Cars and 1iqhftrcls,such as fhose passed by fhe senate last monfh couId cufpelroleum cOnsumptiOn by more fhan all altenative fuels andreDlaceme nf fueIs combined
com efhanol ls the wrong biofuel for combating gIobalwarming The mos}faV0rable esfimafes show that corn efhanolcould reduce g reenhouse gos emissions by 18 pe rcenf fo 28pe rcent,wh_le—cellu—losic ethanol is estimated fo offer a reduc"onof 87 percent compared to gas01ine
Efhonol is not fhe solufion to revitalizing ruraI America Whilehigher commodity prices and cooperafivefy owned efhanoIreflneries couId be a boon to independe nf farmers.unregulatedethanol industry growth will furher—conce—ntrate agribusiness,threafeninq fhe Iivelihood of rUral communitiesThe Coming 迫在眉睫的糖食危机
John Vidaf
he mile uponm of tall maize waving to thehorizon around the small Nebraskan townof Carleton 100ks perfect to farmers SUChas Mark JageIs.He alld his father work 10square kilometres。f 1and.The price of malze--what the Americans call"corn"一has never been higher and thefuture has seldom seemed brighter.Carlet。n is boomingWI’th$200 milllon of Califorman 1Ttoney put up for a nev—biof—uel factory.After severaI s10W years,七here is mewfuU—time,weIl—Paid work for 50 people. There is a Prob Jem,though.The same fields thatsurroundthe Jagels’house on—the Great Plains arebFinging new money to America's farmlands,butthey are alSO helping to pUSh uP the Price of bread inManchesteL tortjllas in Mexlco Citv and beer in MadridAs a direct result of what is happenm‘g in places likeNebraska,Kansas,Indlana and OKLahoma,food aid forthe Poorest people in SOUthern Africa,pork in Chinaand beefin B ritain are a11 more expensive. Challenged by Presldent George W.BUSh toprodUCO 132 bjJljion litres of non—fossil transport fuel。bv 201 7 t0 reduce US dedendencv on imDorted 0i1.thebreadbasket of the world is graduaIly belng turnedinto an enormous fuel tank.Come harvest time inSeptembe almost a11 the maize croP Wi11 end uP atthe new factory at Carleton,where it Wli11 be fermentedinto ethanoL a cleaL co1ourless alcoho1 consumed notby people,butby cars.
“Agrofuels”have arrived In Nebraska alone,anextra 4,000 sq km of maize were planted last year whichWill produce nearly four billion 1itres of ethanol Acrossthe US,20 Per ceilt of the maize crop Wellt to ethan01 in2[)(]6 HOW much is that?Two per cent of US anton]obileuse.A1l this i。part of a global green trend however.Asthe US,Europe,China Japan and other COUrttrl’es are beginnlng to use 10 per cent or more alternativeautomobile fuels,farmers everywhere are hurrying togrow maize,SUgar cane,o.1 palms and oilseed rape allof which can be turmd mfo e出anol or 0fher biofuelsBut that means getting OUt of 0ther crops
The changes are Immense.The Indlan government s。ys it wants to plan 140.000 sq km of biofuel crops,Brazil as much as 1.2 million sq km. SOUthern Africais sald to be the future Middle East of biofuels,Wlth asmuch as4ml。11ion sq km oflandteadyt。beusedforcroPs SUCh as Jatropha Curcas (phySic nut),a tough P1anthat can be gtown on Poor land Indonesl’a has said itintends to produce more than Malaysl‘a by lncreassingit。Palm oil Production from 64.000 sq km now to260,000 sq km in 2025.
While this may be slightly better for CO,rb01"lenll’SSl’OnS and energy securlty it is proving terrible forfood prices and anyone who stallds in the way of a faslgrowlng new industry.A year or two ago,alnl08t a11the 1and in the US where maize is now belng gtown toinake ethanol was farlned for hulnan or alll’mal food:alld since America is the world's largest exporter ofmaize,the price has dOUbled in 10 months,and that ofwheat has risen by abont 50 per cent.
"In 1ast June,wheat prices across the US alldEuroPe hit their highest 1evels in more than a decade"says Mark HⅢfr01TI the consulting firrn Deloicfe.“These Pri‘ceincreases are 1ikely to trigger innation infood prices,as processors are forced to Pay increasedCOSts for basl’c ingredlents SUCh as corn and wheat."
British flour 1TIl’11ers,for example,need 5.5 milliontonnes of wheat a year to produce the 12 millon loavesSOld each day in the UK.MOSt of this wheat is grosvnin Britain,and in the Past year milling—wheat Pricesmoved from around£100 to£200 a tonne.The price ofa stalldard HOViS loaf rose from fo 93 to£O.99 in lastFebruary and more increases Wi11 be conllng,the firmsays,In France,consumers have a1SO been warned t11atthel。baguettes Wi11 be more expensiveCheap food is a thing of the Past,says Hill.Worldcommodity prices of sngar m11k and Cocoa have allrecently gone up."Meat,too,w11l COSt more,because chicken and Pigs are fed 1argely on grain"says HiII."And whik anyone growm’g grai‘ns Will be better offdairy alld ljvestock producers nlay well struggle in thls envlronment."
The surge in demand for agrofuels SUCh as ethan01is hitting the poor alld the environment hardest ofa11.The UN World Food Programme,which feeds abOUt 90 mllli01-1 peopk 1TIOStIy Wlth US maize,saysthat 850 miUiOil people around the world are alreadyundernourlshed.There W111 SOOll be more because theprice of food aid has increased by 20 Per cellt in just a year.Meanwhile,Indian food Prices have risen by11 per cent in a year.SOUth AfrI’Ca has seen fo。d—prl。cerises Of nearly 17 per cent.
In the US,which has nearly 40 mlUion Poor People,the Department of Agrlculture recen1y sal’d it expectsto see a 10 per cent rise in the Price of chicken.Thepri’ces of bread,beee eggs and milk rose by 7.5 Per Celltin last JulM the highest nlonthly rise for 25 years
“The COrnpebfion for gram between the world’s 800m11lion PAotorists,who wan to rllaIntain thelrmobility and its two billiOil poorest peoPle,whoare SirePly to ying to survive,is becomling an epicissue,"says Lester Browr,presl‘dellt of Washington'sWorldwatch Institute think tank and author of the bookWho Will Feed Chinan?
Things are not gomg t。get any bette says BrownThe UN’s World F00d 0rgam’zation Predicts that thedemand for biofLiels will grow by 170 per cent in thenext thFee years.A seParate report fr01TI the OECD,the club of the world’s 30 tichest coun[rl’es,suggestedfood—prl’ce rises of between 20 per cent and 50 per cen[over fhe nest decade
A "Perfect storlli" of ecoIOgical and Soclal factors aPPears t。be gatherlng force,threatenlng huge Rumbersof People wlth f00d shortages and Price rises.Even asthe world’s big farmers are pulling out Of producingfood f0。peoPle and anl’mals,the g10bal poPulation isrising by 87 million peoPle a year; devel。Pi“g countriesSUCh as China and India are switching to meat—baseddiets that need more Iandj alld climate change is startingto hit f。od Producers hard Recent reports in the journal。SCleHce and Nature SUggest that a third of ocean fisherlesare in COllapse;DeVO thirds will be in COll。Pse by 2025;alld all m ajor ocean fisherles may be gone by 2048.
“GIobaI grain SUPplles Will drop to thelf lowestlevels on record“llS year 0utside of wartime,they havenot been this 10w in a celrturv.perhaPs 1onger"says theUS Department of Agrlculture.In seven of the past eightyears,the world has actually grown less grain than ithas consumed,says Brown World stOCks of grain--thatis,the food 11eld in reserve for ti‘mes of emergency——are nOW SLffcient for just over 50 days.According toexPerts,we are in " thepost—f00d—surplUS era"
The food crisis,Brown warns,is only iustbeginnmg.What worries hlnl as much as the newC01TIPetitlon between food and fuel is that the boomingC11lnese and Indlan poPulations--the two lagestnations in the world,xArIth nearly 40 per cent 0f theworld’s population between them--are goving uP theitraditional vegetable—tich dlets for typical"American"diets teat contain more meat and dairy products Mealdemand in China ha。gone“P by 300 per cent in30 years,and in India,m11k and egg Products areincreasingly pOPuIar.
In itsele this is no problelTt,say Brown and others,excePt that it means an increased demand f。r water t。grOW more food.It takes seven kiIograms of grain toproduce one kil。gram of beeef and increased dernandWill require huge alIlOUnts of grail]一growlng land.MUCofthis,of course,WI’11haveto bewatered“Water tableare now falling in countries that contain over haIf theworld's people"Brown PoInts out.“While numerousariaIysts and P1icy—iliakers are concerned about afuture 0f water shortages,few have really understoodthat a future of water shortages means a future of food’shortages" New figures from the World Bank,he says,showthat 15 per cent of the world’s present food SUpplies,011 which 160 mllIion PeoPle depend,are belnggrown Wlth water drawn from r。pidly decreasl’ngUllderground sources or fron]rivers tha are dryingup Water scientists around the world。gree cha0 withthe earth’s wate land and humanresources,it WOUld be POSSIble to produce enough f。od for the future."But it is probable that today’s foodprodUCtion and environmental trendsWill 1ead to crisesinmany parts Ofthe WOrld,"adds Davld M0lden,atop official at the International Water Management Institute.
Meanwh.1e,climate change is 1eadingtO more intense rains,unPredictablestorms,Ionger-1asting droughts,andinterrupted seasons In Brltal‘n,the severe floods in 1ast summer have resulted in ashortage of vegetables SUCh as potatoes,and cereals such aswheat This came on top of a 4.9 percent rise in food prices in the year to May--well overconsulaaer price inflation--and a 9.6 per cent in creasein vegetable prices,
Britain will be fine,but elsewhere climate change is acatastrophe.Madagascar suffered from seven Gvclonesin the first SiX months of 2007.Predictable weather isbecoming a thing of the past How does the global foodsupply system deal with such changing risk?
G1obal grain sMpplies have not been
as low as they are today for at least
a century
同时,气候变化正带来更多的大雨、无、祛预测的风暴、更长时间的干旱和不规律的季节更替。在英国,去年夏季的洪水已导致英国蔬菜和谷物紧缺,比如土豆和小麦。而就在那之前,粮食价格到当年5月份已经上涨了4.9% 一远远高于消费品整体价恪的上涨——而蔬菜价格则上涨了9.6%。
The answer is:with ever-greater difficulty.TheIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predictsthat raindependent agriculture could be cut in half bV 2020 as a result of climate change."Anythmg even close to a 50 per cent reduction in vields would mean huge problems,"says Iosette Sheeran,new director ofthe World Food Programme.Within a week,Lesotho had declared a food emergency after the worst droughtin 30 years and after greatly reduced harvests in nelghbouring Sourh Africa had pushed prices wellbeyond the reach of most of the population. All this is far too negati‘ve,say other analysts andpoliticians.Early 20007 Brazil's president,Luiz Lula.told The Guardian that there was no need at aU forworld food shortages,or for any destruction of foreststo grow more food."Brazil has 320 million hectares[3.2 million sq kin] of arable land,only a fiffh of which iScultivated.Of this,less than four per cent is used forethanol production This is not a choice between food and energy"
Others say that the food-price rlses nOW beingseen are temporary and will fall back within。year as the market responds.Technologists are lookingto genetically modified crops,or drought-resistantcrops,or trust that biofuel producers will developtechnologies that require less raw material。r use theparts of food that cannot be eaten The answer for nOWis that countries such as Argentina,Poland,Ukraineand Kazakhstan will grow more food for export as theUS reduces its output
Back on the Great Plains,meanwhile,ethanol feveris running high In 2006.there were fewer than 100ethanol factories in the whole of the United States,with a combined production capacity of 19 billion litresAt least 50 more new plants are now being built,andat least 300 more are planned.If even half of them arefinished,they will help to rewrite the politics。f globalfood.
回到美国的大平原上,乙醇热正方兴未艾,发展得热火朝天。2006年,全美国只有不到100家乙醇工厂,生产能力加起来只有190亿升。现在至少有50座新厂正在建设,还有300座正在规划。即使只有一半得以建成,它们也将改写全球的粮食格局。Moe abort Biofuels...
Producing Ethamol from Corm and Other
Crops IsNot Worth the Energy
Tuming pIants such as com,soybeans and sunflowersinfo fuel uses much more energy than fhe resultingefhanol or biOdiesel generates,according to a newComell UniVersity and UnIVersity of California—BerkeleysfudV"There is iusf no energy benefif fo using planfbiomassfor jlqujd fueI,”says David PimenleI,p rofesspr ofecology and ag riculture at Cornell"These sfrafegies a renot sustainable"PimenfeI and Tad WPatzek,D rOfess0 r 0f civil 0ndenvirOnmental engineering af Berkelev,cOnducfed adelailed analysis Of fhe energy input-yield ratios Ofproducing ethanOI from corn,switch g rass and wOOdblOmass as well as for producing biOdieseI fromsoybean and sunflower planfsIn terms Of energy outpuf compa red with energy inpuffor ethanOl prOducfiOn,the ST。udy fOund fhaf:
comrequi res 29 percenl more fassil energy fhan fhefueI D rOduced:
swjfch g rass requires 45 perce nf mO re fOSSil energyfhan fhe fueI p roduced:and
wood biomass requirees 57 percenl mOre fOSSiI energythan the fueI prOduced.
The Future of Biofueels IS Not In Corn
The tuture Of b1ofUeIs 1s n01 ln corn,says a new report releasedfoday by FOOd&Water Warch,fhe Netwo rk for New EnergyChoices,and the Vermont Law SchooI Insfufe for Energy and fhe EnvirOnme n1丁he com efhonOI ref nery industry.willnot signmcanfly 0ffset U.S.fOSSil fueI consumption withhoU1 unacceptable environmenlaI and econOmic cOnseauences"Rising oiI p rices,energy securify,and gIobal wa rming concemshave 1ed to fodays’ao yellow’hype over com ethanol"expIafned Scoff"CUflen,5enio r Policy AdvisOr for fhe Nek,vork for New Ene『ay Choices“Bul aIl biOfUels are nof equal Expansion of fhe com efhanai lndusfrv w…1ead fo more wafer and airpollufiOn and soll erOsion Of America's farm belt,whiIe failinq tosigncantly offset fossil fuel use Or cOmbaf gIObal warming"The reporf,"The Rush to Ethanol:Not all BioFuels are Equal".isa comDrehenslVe reView Of the IiterafU re On fhe envirOnmenfaland econOmic implicalions DT pinning our hopes on comefhanol to reduce dependency On fossll fueIs Report findingsinclLde fhe f 0llO Wing:
N01 all biofueIs a re eauaI Com——now used to produce95 Derce nf of U.S. ethan01-is the leasf susfainable biOfueIfeeds—tock of all raw maferials cOmmOnIv used
The capOCIT Of corm efhanol foo offset U.S.fOSSil ruel useis eXtremeIy Iimiled Dedlcating fhe entirer U.S.com crop fOefhanOl prOductlion would Only offset5 perce nf Of gasOlinedemand Conversely,modest increases in aulO fueI efficiencvsfandards of even 0ne mile per qallon fOr all Cars and 1iqhftrcls,such as fhose passed by fhe senate last monfh couId cufpelroleum cOnsumptiOn by more fhan all altenative fuels andreDlaceme nf fueIs combined
com efhanol ls the wrong biofuel for combating gIobalwarming The mos}faV0rable esfimafes show that corn efhanolcould reduce g reenhouse gos emissions by 18 pe rcenf fo 28pe rcent,wh_le—cellu—losic ethanol is estimated fo offer a reduc"onof 87 percent compared to gas01ine
Efhonol is not fhe solufion to revitalizing ruraI America Whilehigher commodity prices and cooperafivefy owned efhanoIreflneries couId be a boon to independe nf farmers.unregulatedethanol industry growth will furher—conce—ntrate agribusiness,threafeninq fhe Iivelihood of rUral communitiesThe Coming 迫在眉睫的糖食危机
John Vidaf
he mile uponm of tall maize waving to thehorizon around the small Nebraskan townof Carleton 100ks perfect to farmers SUChas Mark JageIs.He alld his father work 10square kilometres。f 1and.The price of malze--what the Americans call"corn"一has never been higher and thefuture has seldom seemed brighter.Carlet。n is boomingWI’th$200 milllon of Califorman 1Ttoney put up for a nev—biof—uel factory.After severaI s10W years,七here is mewfuU—time,weIl—Paid work for 50 people. There is a Prob Jem,though.The same fields thatsurroundthe Jagels’house on—the Great Plains arebFinging new money to America's farmlands,butthey are alSO helping to pUSh uP the Price of bread inManchesteL tortjllas in Mexlco Citv and beer in MadridAs a direct result of what is happenm‘g in places like Nebraska,Kansas,Indlana and OKLahoma,food aid forthe Poorest people in SOUthern Africa,pork in Chinaand beefin B ritain are a11 more expensive. Challenged by Presldent George W.BUSh toprodUCO 132 bjJljion litres of non—fossil transport fuel。bv 201 7 t0 reduce US dedendencv on imDorted 0i1.thebreadbasket of the world is graduaIly belng turnedinto an enormous fuel tank.Come harvest time inSeptembe almost a11 the maize croP Wi11 end uP atthe new factory at Carleton,where it Wli11 be fermentedinto ethanoL a cleaL co1ourless alcoho1 consumed notby people,butby cars.
“Agrofuels”have arrived In Nebraska alone,anextra 4,000 sq km of maize were planted last year whichWill produce nearly four billion 1itres of ethanol Acrossthe US,20 Per ceilt of the maize crop Wellt to ethan01 in2[)(]6 HOW much is that?Two per cent of US anton]obileuse.A1l this i。part of a global green trend however.Asthe US,Europe,China Japan and other COUrttrl’es arebeginnlng to use 10 per cent or more alternativeautomobile fuels,farmers everywhere are hurrying togrow maize,SUgar cane,o.1 palms and oilseed rape allof which can be turmd mfo e出anol or 0fher biofuelsBut that means getting OUt of 0ther crops
The changes are Immense.The Indlan government s。ys it wants to plan 140.000 sq km of biofuel crops,Brazil as much as 1.2 million sq km. SOUthern Africais sald to be the future Middle East of biofuels,Wlth asmuch as4ml。11ion sq km oflandteadyt。beusedforcroPs SUCh as Jatropha Curcas (phySic nut),a tough P1anthat can be gtown on Poor land Indonesl’a has said itintends to produce more than Malaysl‘a by lncreassingit。Palm oil Production from 64.000 sq km now to260,000 sq km in 2025.
While this may be slightly better for CO,rb01"lenll’SSl’OnS and energy securlty it is proving terrible forfood prices and anyone who stallds in the way of a faslgrowlng new industry.A year or two ago,alnl08t a11the 1and in the US where maize is now belng gtown toinake ethanol was farlned for hulnan or alll’mal food:alld since America is the world's largest exporter ofmaize,the price has dOUbled in 10 months,and that ofwheat has risen by abont 50 per cent. "In 1ast June,wheat prices across the US alldEuroPe hit their highest 1evels in more than a decade"says Mark HⅢfr01TI the consulting firrn Deloicfe.“These Pri‘ceincreases are 1ikely to trigger innation infood prices,as processors are forced to Pay increasedCOSts for basl’c ingredlents SUCh as corn and wheat."
British flour 1TIl’11ers,for example,need 5.5 milliontonnes of wheat a year to produce the 12 millon loavesSOld each day in the UK.MOSt of this wheat is grosvnin Britain,and in the Past year milling—wheat Pricesmoved from around£100 to£200 a tonne.The price ofa stalldard HOViS loaf rose from fo 93 to£O.99 in lastFebruary and more increases Wi11 be conllng,the firmsays,In France,consumers have a1SO been warned t11atthel。baguettes Wi11 be more expensiveCheap food is a thing of the Past,says Hill.Worldcommodity prices of sngar m11k and Cocoa have allrecently gone up."Meat,too,w11l COSt more,because chicken and Pigs are fed 1argely on grain"says HiII."And whik anyone growm’g grai‘ns Will be better offdairy alld ljvestock producers nlay well struggle in thls envlronment."
The surge in demand for agrofuels SUCh as ethan01is hitting the poor alld the environment hardest ofa11.The UN World Food Programme,which feeds abOUt 90 mllli01-1 peopk 1TIOStIy Wlth US maize,saysthat 850 miUiOil people around the world are alreadyundernourlshed.There W111 SOOll be more because theprice of food aid has increased by 20 Per cellt in just a year.Meanwhile,Indian food Prices have risen by11 per cent in a year.SOUth AfrI’Ca has seen fo。d—prl。cerises Of nearly 17 per cent.
In the US,which has nearly 40 mlUion Poor People,the Department of Agrlculture recen1y sal’d it expectsto see a 10 per cent rise in the Price of chicken.Thepri’ces of bread,beee eggs and milk rose by 7.5 Per Celltin last JulM the highest nlonthly rise for 25 years
“The COrnpebfion for gram between the world’s 800m11lion PAotorists,who wan to rllaIntain thelrmobility and its two billiOil poorest peoPle,whoare SirePly to ying to survive,is becomling an epicissue,"says Lester Browr,presl‘dellt of Washington'sWorldwatch Institute think tank and author of the bookWho Will Feed Chinan?
Things are not gomg t。get any bette says BrownThe UN’s World F00d 0rgam’zation Predicts that thedemand for biofLiels will grow by 170 per cent in thenext thFee years.A seParate report fr01TI the OECD,the club of the world’s 30 tichest coun[rl’es,suggestedfood—prl’ce rises of between 20 per cent and 50 per cen[over fhe nest decade
“去年6月,美国和欧洲各国的小麦价格达到了十 多年来的最高点,”德勤咨询公司的马克西尔说,“这些价格卜涨有可能引发食品价格的飞涨,因为粮食加工企业不得不为玉米、小麦这样的基本原料付出更高的成本。一
A "Perfect storlli" of ecoIOgical and Soclal factorsaPPears t。be gatherlng force,threatenlng huge Rumbersof People wlth f00d shortages and Price rises.Even asthe world’s big farmers are pulling out Of producingfood f0。peoPle and anl’mals,the g10bal poPulation isrising by 87 million peoPle a year; devel。Pi“g countriesSUCh as China and India are switching to meat—baseddiets that need more Iandj alld climate change is startingto hit f。od Producers hard Recent reports in the journal。SCleHce and Nature SUggest that a third of ocean fisherlesare in COllapse;DeVO thirds will be in COll。Pse by 2025;alld all m ajor ocean fisherles may be gone by 2048.
“GIobaI grain SUPplles Will drop to thelf lowestlevels on record“llS year 0utside of wartime,they havenot been this 10w in a celrturv.perhaPs 1onger"says theUS Department of Agrlculture.In seven of the past eightyears,the world has actually grown less grain than ithas consumed,says Brown World stOCks of grain--thatis,the food 11eld in reserve for ti‘mes of emergency——are nOW SLffcient for just over 50 days.According toexPerts,we are in " thepost—f00d—surplUS era"
The food crisis,Brown warns,is only iustbeginnmg.What worries hlnl as much as the newC01TIPetitlon between food and fuel is that the boomingC11lnese and Indlan poPulations--the two lagestnations in the world,xArIth nearly 40 per cent 0f theworld’s population between them--are goving uP theitraditional vegetable—tich dlets for typical"American"diets teat contain more meat and dairy products Mealdemand in China ha。gone“P by 300 per cent in30 years,and in India,m11k and egg Products areincreasingly pOPuIar.
In itsele this is no problelTt,say Brown and others,excePt that it means an increased demand f。r water t。grOW more food.It takes seven kiIograms of grain toproduce one kil。gram of beeef and increased dernandWill require huge alIlOUnts of grail]一growlng land.MUCofthis,of course,WI’11haveto bewatered“Water tableare now falling in countries that contain over haIf theworld's people"Brown PoInts out.“While numerous ariaIysts and P1icy—iliakers are concerned about afuture 0f water shortages,few have really understoodthat a future of water shortages means a future of food’shortages" New figures from the World Bank,he says,showthat 15 per cent of the world’s present food SUpplies,011 which 160 mllIion PeoPle depend,are belnggrown Wlth water drawn from r。pidly decreasl’ngUllderground sources or fron]rivers tha are dryingup Water scientists around the world。gree cha0 withthe earth’s wate land and humanresources,it WOUld be POSSIble to produce enough f。od for the future."But it is probable that today’s foodprodUCtion and environmental trendsWill 1ead to crisesinmany parts Ofthe WOrld,"adds Davld M0lden,atop official at the International Water Management Institute.
Meanwh.1e,climate change is 1eadingtO more intense rains,unPredictablestorms,Ionger-1asting droughts,andinterrupted seasons In Brltal‘n,the severefloods in 1ast summer have resulted in ashortage of vegetables SUCh as potatoes,and cereals such aswheat This came on top of a 4.9 percent rise in food prices in the year to May--well overconsulaaer price inflation--and a 9.6 per cent in creasein vegetable prices,
Britain will be fine,but elsewhere climate change is acatastrophe.Madagascar suffered from seven Gvclonesin the first SiX months of 2007.Predictable weather isbecoming a thing of the past How does the global foodsupply system deal with such changing risk?
G1obal grain sMpplies have not been
as low as they are today for at least
a century
同时,气候变化正带来更多的大雨、无、祛预测的风暴、更长时间的干旱和不规律的季节更替。在英国,去年夏季的洪水已导致英国蔬菜和谷物紧缺,比如土豆和小麦。而就在那之前,粮食价格到当年5月份已经上涨了4.9% 一远远高于消费品整体价恪的上涨——而蔬菜价格则上涨了9.6%。
The answer is:with ever-greater difficulty.TheIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predictsthat raindependent agriculture could be cut in half bV 2020 as a result of climate change."Anythmg even close to a 50 per cent reduction in vields would mean huge problems,"says Iosette Sheeran,new director ofthe World Food Programme.Within a week,Lesotho had declared a food emergency after the worst droughtin 30 years and after greatly reduced harvests in nelghbouring Sourh Africa had pushed prices wellbeyond the reach of most of the population. All this is far too negati‘ve,say other analysts andpoliticians.Early 20007 Brazil's president,Luiz Lula.told The Guardian that there was no need at aU forworld food shortages,or for any destruction of foreststo grow more food."Brazil has 320 million hectares[3.2 million sq kin] of arable land,only a fiffh of which iScultivated.Of this,less than four per cent is used forethanol production This is not a choice between food and energy"
Others say that the food-price rlses nOW beingseen are temporary and will fall back within。yearas the market responds.Technologists are lookingto genetically modified crops,or drought-resistantcrops,or trust that biofuel producers will developtechnologies that require less raw material。r use theparts of food that cannot be eaten The answer for nOWis that countries such as Argentina,Poland,Ukraineand Kazakhstan will grow more food for export as theUS reduces its output
Back on the Great Plains,meanwhile,ethanol feveris running high In 2006.there were fewer than 100ethanol factories in the whole of the United States,with a combined production capacity of 19 billion litresAt least 50 more new plants are now being built,andat least 300 more are planned.If even half of them arefinished,they will help to rewrite the politics。f globalfood.
回到美国的大平原上,乙醇热正方兴未艾,发展得热火朝天。2006年,全美国只有不到100家乙醇工厂,生产能力加起来只有190亿升。现在至少有50座新厂正在建设,还有300座正在规划。即使只有一半得以建成,它们也将改写全球的粮食格局。Moe abort Biofuels...
Producing Ethamol from Corm and Other
Crops IsNot Worth the Energy
Tuming pIants such as com,soybeans and sunflowersinfo fuel uses much more energy than fhe resultingefhanol or biOdiesel generates,according to a newComell UniVersity and UnIVersity of California—BerkeleysfudV"There is iusf no energy benefif fo using planfbiomassfor jlqujd fueI,”says David PimenleI,p rofesspr ofecology and ag riculture at Cornell"These sfrafegies a renot sustainable"PimenfeI and Tad WPatzek,D rOfess0 r 0f civil 0nd envirOnmental engineering af Berkelev,cOnducfed adelailed analysis Of fhe energy input-yield ratios Ofproducing ethanOI from corn,switch g rass and wOOdblOmass as well as for producing biOdieseI fromsoybean and sunflower planfsIn terms Of energy outpuf compa red with energy inpuffor ethanOl prOducfiOn,the ST。udy fOund fhaf:
comrequi res 29 percenl more fassil energy fhan fhefueI D rOduced:
swjfch g rass requires 45 perce nf mO re fOSSil energyfhan fhe fueI p roduced:and
wood biomass requirees 57 percenl mOre fOSSiI energythan the fueI prOduced.
The Future of Biofueels IS Not In Corn
The tuture Of b1ofUeIs 1s n01 ln corn,says a new report releasedfoday by FOOd&Water Warch,fhe Netwo rk for New EnergyChoices,and the Vermont Law SchooI Insfufe for Energy and fhe EnvirOnme n1丁he com efhonOI ref nery industry.willnot signmcanfly 0ffset U.S.fOSSil fueI consumption withhoU1
unacceptable environmenlaI and econOmic cOnseauences"Rising oiI p rices,energy securify,and gIobal wa rming concemshave 1ed to fodays’ao yellow’hype over com ethanol"expIafned Scoff"CUflen,5enio r Policy AdvisOr for fhe Nek,vork for New Eneway Choices“Bul aIl biOfUels are nof equal Expansion of fhe com efhanai lndusfrv wiead fo more wafer and airpollufiOn and soll erOsion Of America's farm belt,whiIe failinq tosigncantly offset fossil fuel use Or cOmbaf gIObal warming"The reporf,"The Rush to Ethanol:Not all BioFuels are Equal".isa comDrehenslVe reView Of the IiterafU re On fhe envirOnmenfaland econOmic implicalions DT pinning our hopes on comefhanol to reduce dependency On fossll fueIs Report findingsinclLde fhe foll Wing:
N01 all biofueIs a re eauaI Com——now used to produce95 Derce nf of U.S. ethan01-is the leasf susfainable biOfueIfeeds—tock of all raw maferials cOmmOnIv used
The capOCIT Of corm efhanol foo offset U.S.fOSSil ruel useis eXtremeIy Iimiled Dedlcating fhe entirer U.S.com crop fOefhanOl prOductlion would Only offset5 perce nf Of gasOlinedemand Conversely,modest increases in aulO fueI efficiencvsfandards of even 0ne mile per qallon fOr all Cars and 1iqhftrcls,such as fhose passed by fhe senate last monfh couId cufpelroleum cOnsumptiOn by more fhan all altenative fuels andreDlaceme nf fueis combined
com efhanol is the wrong biofuel for combating gIobalwarming The mos}faV0rable esfimafes show that corn efhanolcould reduce g reenhouse gos emissions by 18 pe rcenf fo 28pe rcent,wh_le—cellu—losic ethanol is estimated fo offer a reduc"onof 87 percent compared to gas01ine
Efhonol is not fhe solufion to revitalizing ruraI America Whilehigher commodity prices and cooperafivefy owned efhanoIreflneries couId be a boon to independe nf farmers.unregulatedethanol industry growth will furher—conce—ntrate agribusiness,threafeninq fhe Iivelihood of rUral communities