杜英叶枯病主要为害叶片,引起叶斑和叶枯。经鉴定,杜英叶枯病病原菌有性态为球座菌(Guignardia sp),无性态为叶点霉(Phyllosticta sp)。室内抑菌药剂试验结果表明,抑制该菌菌丝生长和分生孢子萌发效果较好的杀菌剂是50%福.甲硫WP(扑菌特)、70%甲基硫菌灵WP、50%多菌灵WP、50%福.福甲胂.福锌WP(退菌特)、60%福.福锌WP(炭必灵)、50%多福.硫WP(施菌克)、25%咪鲜胺锰盐WP和11∶1∶00波尔多液;25%多.锰锌WP(病克净)抑菌丝生长效果好,抑制孢子萌发的效果差;45%石硫合剂结晶、70%丙森锌WP(安泰生)、70%代森锰锌WP抑制孢子萌发的效果好,而抑菌丝生长效果较差。
Du Ying leaf blight mainly damage leaves, causing leaf spot and leaf blight. It has been identified that the pathogen of Euonymus japonicus is Guignardia sp, and the vegetative state is Phyllosticta sp. The results of laboratory antibacterial agents showed that the fungicide that inhibits the mycelial growth and conidial germination of the strain is 50% bifidobacteria WP, 50% thiophanate-methyl WP, Carbendazim WP, 50% blessing. Forsythiaside. Fu zinc WP (decontamination), 60% blessing. Fu zinc WP (charcoal), 50% Prochloraz manganese WP and 11: 1: 00 Bordeaux mixture; more than 25% .Mnz-Zn WP (disease net) inhibitory filament growth effect is good, inhibition of spore germination is poor; 45% lime sulfur crystal, 70% Propine Zinc WP (Antai Health), 70% Mancozeb WP to inhibit spore germination good effect, and the inhibitory effect of mycelium growth is poor.