在某集团军机关,你经常能看到一位上着便服,下着军裤,拄着拐杖,步履蹒跚的中年军人忙碌着。此人便是某集团军审计处处长王祥根。 拐杖,记下他不寻常的审计经历 1991年冰雪消融的季节,走马赴任集团军审计办公室主任的王祥根同志,随专案组去数千里之外的广东江门,为了节省开支,他们一行三人经常采取步行调查。这次正赶上江门市十多天阴雨连绵,道路特别滑,突然,他不慎摔倒了,股骨骨折被送进当地医院。从此,他
In a military unit, you often see a middle-aged soldier who is dressed in casual clothes, military uniform, crutches and hobbled. This person is Wang Xianggen, chief of the audit department of a group army. Crutches, notes his unusual audit experience In the ice-melting season of 1991, Comrade Wang Xianggen, who took office as director of the audit team of the Army, traveled thousands of miles outside the task force with Jiangmen. In order to save money, they often took three Walk survey. This is catching up with more than ten days in Jiangmen rainy, slippery road, suddenly, he accidentally fell, femoral fractures were sent to the local hospital. Since then, he