每天重复给予LHRH的高活性长效类似物D-Ser(TBU)~6-LHRH-(EA)~(10)(Hoe766)后,垂体反应性有相当大的进行性下降,因此降低了LH-RH类似物作为促性腺激素刺激剂的价值。作者采用Hoe766每周3次给药的方法,观察对4例原发闭经者的治疗效果。 4名促性腺激素低下性或正常促性腺激素的原发闭经患者年龄为28~32岁,其中2名曾分别用hMG与hCG治疗3年和4年,本次治疗前已有过排卵和妊娠。另2人在本次治疗后几个月用hMG与hCG也达到妊娠。患者的垂体窝、嗅觉及
Repeated daily administration of LHRH long-acting analogues D-Ser (TBU) ~ 6-LHRH- (EA) ~ (10) (Hoe766), the pituitary reactivity dropped considerably, thus reducing the LH- RH analogues as gonadotropin stimulating agents. The authors used Hoe766 three times a week to give the method of administration to observe the treatment of 4 cases of primary amenorrhea. Four primary gonadotropin-lowering or normal gonadotropin-producing patients with amenorrhea aged 28 to 32 years old, two of which were treated with hMG and hCG for 3 years and 4 years, respectively, had ovulation and pregnancy before this treatment . Another two people in the treatment of a few months after hMG and hCG also reached pregnancy. The patient’s pituitary fossa, smell and