以9年生大叶栎(Castanopsis fissa)51个家系为研究对象,进行生长性状分析结果显示:(1)树高、胸径、材积3个生长性状在家系内均存在丰富的变异,并达到极显著水平;(2)地点、家系及地点×家系交互作用对树高、胸径和材积生长的影响均达极显著程度,其中以地点对生长指标影响均最大,其家系胸径、树高、材积的遗传力分别为0.820 4、0.887 9、0.817 5;(3)各家系树高、胸径和材积等生长指标与试验点的自然概况因子间相关性均不显著,表明大叶栎家系具有较强的地理区域适应性;(4)以入选家系的遗传增益>20%同时胸径、树高生长量不低于家系平均值为标准,选出8个优良家系分别CW08、CW05、PY08、YF02、RS06、RS03、RS09、TD09,入选家系的胸径、树高、材积生长量比总体平均值分别提高5.69%~13.82%、7.62%~14.29%、17.78%~39.85%;胸径、树高、材积遗传增益分别提高6.39%~11.45%、6.55%~12.26%、20.23%~32.55%。
The results of growth traits analysis showed that 51 families of 9-year-old Castanopsis fissa showed that: (1) There were abundant variations in tree height, DBH, (2) Locations, families and locations × The interactions of pedigrees affected the tree height, DBH and volume growth to a very significant degree. Among them, the locations had the greatest impact on the growth indexes, and the genetic relationships among their DBH, tree height and volume (0.820 4,0.887 9,0.817 5, respectively). (3) There was no significant correlation between the growth index of tree height, DBH and volume, and the natural profile factors of each test point, indicating that the Quercus glauca has a strong (4) According to the genetic gain> 20% of the selected pedigree and the DBH and height growth of no less than the average value of the pedigree, 8 excellent families were selected as CW08, CW05, PY08, YF02, RS06, RS09, RS09, TD09. The DBH, tree height and volume increment of selected families increased by 5.69% ~ 13.82%, 7.62% ~ 14.29% and 17.78% ~ 39.85% Increase 6.39% ~ 11.45%, 6.55% ~ 12.26%, 20.2 3% ~ 32.55%.