
来源 :青岛画报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jyx781004
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8月21日,青岛籍旅德钢琴家徐牧在青岛大剧院献上一场充满古典之美的“清凉之夏”钢琴演奏会。徐牧自幼师从青岛著名钢琴老师陈邵功,2006年考入德国法兰克福音乐学院,被德国乐评人誉为“最具天赋的钢琴新秀”。依靠青啤地产的鼎力相助,徐牧通过本次演奏会圆了故乡梦。作为青岛城市的一张名片,青啤地产历来以极大的热情和努力积极推动着青岛音乐事业的发展。青啤地产借助音乐之声,令众多海内外客商和游客以及新闻媒体从一个全新的视角了解青岛、爱上青岛,让“音乐之岛”美名远播。 On August 21, Xu Ji, a German-born pianist from Qingdao, presented a “Summer of Summer” piano recital full of classical beauty at the Qingdao Grand Theater. Mr. Xu since childhood, from Qingdao famous piano teacher Chen Shaogong admitted to the German Conservatory of Music in 2006, was the German music critic as “the most talented piano rookie.” Rely on the full support of Tsingtao real estate, Xu Mu round through the concert dream of his hometown. As a card in the city of Qingdao, Tsingtao Brewery has always been to promote the development of the music industry in Qingdao with great enthusiasm and efforts. Tsingtao Brewery real estate with the sound of music, so that many overseas businessmen and tourists and the news media from a new perspective on the understanding of Qingdao, Qingdao, so that “Music Island ” reputation.
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故障现象 :开机 ,控制台面板上过载指示灯亮 ,曝光无法进行。故障检修 ,根据故障现象 ,首先检查过载板 (O板 ) ,因为过载继电器JO采用的是小型封装式继电器 ,无法准确判断其工作
为进一步发挥个体、私营经济在社会主义经济建设中的积极作用,规范和引导多种经济成分健康正常地发展,经省政府同意,特作如下通知: 一、大力支持个体、私营经济的发展,积极
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