国内外区域经济发展的成功经验表明,一个地区经济发展速度的快慢与工业发展、城镇化水平紧密相关。作为国家较早设立的毕节试验区,在"十二五"期间应实施"四大战略",推进经济社会又好又快,更好更快发展。工业化和城镇化是推动现代化进程的两大车轮,工业化是城镇化的基本动力,城镇化是工业化的促进力量,推进工业强区、城镇化带区战略,同时,实施科教兴区和旅游兴区战略。“,”The successful experience of economic development at home and broad shows that the level of industrialization and urbanizationclose related the development of local economy.Bijie Pilot Zone,an earlier built one,should carry out the Four Strategies to make the economy development better and faster.Industrialization and Urbanization of Bijie Pilot Zone are the most important keys to its modernization.Industrialization is the basic power of urbanization,and urbanization is the catalyst of Industrialization.But the premises of its urbanization and industrialization are strategies of Travel Development as well as effective measures of using education,science and technology.