Internet Thinking and the Transformation of Traditional Firms

来源 :China Economist | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asjkdhfjkhasdjklfhjk
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The Internet and mobile Internet have made the transaction of a huge number of products and services possible in ways previously unimaginable,exerting an extensive and profound influence on commercial,industrial,financial and even medical enterprises,universities and government agencies.All of this wide variety of transformations can be distilled into the concept of “Internet thinking.” This paper poses that Internet thinking consists of the following three levels.First is Internet spirit,i.e.,openness,equality,collaboration and sharing.Second is Internet philosophy,including interconnection between virtual and real entities,elimination of restrictions of time and space,modularization,personal imperialism,crowdsourcing and user-centered approaches.Third is the Internet economy,featuring long-tail theory at a technical level,market equilibrium theory at the level of transaction structure and consumer sovereignty theory at the level of transaction performance.According to Internet thinking,traditional firms must be transformed towards smart organizations characterized by network-based ecosystem,global integration,platform-based operation,users as contributors,borderless development and selforganizing management.As rightly pointed out by the CEO of Haier Group Zhang Ruimin, “There is no such a thing as a successful firm;there are only firms defined by their times.” Adapting to the times is key to the survival of all firms. The Internet and mobile Internet have made the transaction of a huge number of products and services possible in past previously unimaginable, exerting an extensive and profound influence on commercial, industrial, financial and even medical enterprises, universities and government agencies. All of this wide variety of transformations can be distilled into the concept of “Internet thinking. ” This paper poses that Internet thinking consists of the following three levels. First is Internet spirit, ie, openness, equality, collaboration and sharing. Second is Internet philosophy, including interconnection between virtual and real entities, elimination of restrictions of time and space, modularization, personal imperialism, crowdsourcing and user-centered approaches. Third is internet economy, featuring long-tail theory at a technical level, market equilibrium theory at the level of transaction structure and consumer sovereignty theory at the level of transaction performance. According to Internet thin king, traditional firms must be transformed toward smart complexes characterized by network-based ecosystem, global integration, platform-based operation, users as contributors, borderless development and selforganizing management. As rightly pointed out by the CEO of Haier Group Zhang Ruimin, There is no such a thing as a successful firm; there are only specialized peaks defined by their times. “Adapting to the times is key to the survival of all firms.”
国家工作人员与亲属共同受贿 ,已经成为新时期受贿犯罪的稳定形式。因为检察机关很难证明犯罪嫌疑人之间的共同故意 ,此类犯罪规避法律制裁的成功率很高。其多米诺骨牌效应 ,