患者王某、男、36岁,工人.1985年2月16日入院,住院号79970. 骑摩托车与汽车相憧致右眼受伤来急诊,着力点为右侧头部及右眼,当时处于昏迷状态,无呕吐.1小时后清醒.检查与处理:、心肺、血压正常,腹部及肝脾未见异常.眼科检查:右上、下睑皮肤不规则裂伤,深浅不一.上、下眶骨粉碎性骨折.上眶伤口有脑脊液溢出,球结膜不规则断裂伤,眶内眼球缺如.清理伤口时发现视神经位于右下眶骨伤口里,继续清理,追查眼球.发现右眼球嵌入上颌窦,上、外直肌均断离,角膜轻度浑浊,前房正常,瞳孔对光反射迟钝,余未查.即用生理盐水加庆
Patient Wang, male, 36 years old, worker. Admitted to hospital on February 16, 1985, hospital number 79970. Riding motorcycles and cars looking forward to the right eye injured emergency, focus on the right head and right eye, was at Coma, no vomiting .1 hours after awake.Check and handle :, cardiopulmonary and normotensive, abdomen and liver and spleen no abnormalities .Ophthalmology examination: the upper right and lower eyelid skin irregular laceration, shades of different. Bone comminuted fracture.Orbital wounds have cerebrospinal fluid overflow, irregular bulbar conjunctiva injury, orbital eye missing.If the wound is cleared, the optic nerve is located in the right lower orbital bone wound, continue to clean up, tracing the eye .It found that the right eye embedded in the maxillary Sinus, both lateral and lateral rectus were off, mild corneal opacity, normal anterior chamber, pupillary light reflex slow, I did not check.