In order to improve water quality and to solve the problem of water injection caused by bacteria and sulfide during secondary recovery, adding acrolein to the oilfield water is a good treatment. The key to this method is that acrolein is a potent bactericide that clears H2S and breaks down FeS. In the field test in the field, water quality increased 9 times and water injection increased 16%. In Oman Oilfield 9,000 m 3 / day of oilfields, a 9-week field trial was conducted in batches of acrolein. The experimental results show that the system does not contain oil suspended solids have a continuous decline in the trend. The planktonic sulfate bacteria is reduced by about 90% and the planktonic aerobic bacteria is reduced by about 72%. The dissolved H2S concentration is reduced by about 50%. This shows that the impact of acrolein on water quality is very significant. Water quality improved 9 times in the Barkman and Davidson tests. During the test, the average daily water injection increased from 9019m3 to 10442m3, an increase of 16%. These results provide reference for water system management.