学习初中化学时,学生对盐和盐之间进行复分解反应,生成两种新盐的印象是根深蒂固的,但到高中阶段如果教师不很好引导和小结,往往会使这一部分知识停留在初中水平上,不能深化,因而对盐和盐之间反应的一些复杂现象认识不清,认为只要是盐和盐之间的反应必然生成二种新盐,以致写出诸如2Al Cl_3+3Na_2S=Al_2S_3+6NaCl之类的错误反应式。但盐和盐之间的反应又
When studying junior high school chemistry, the students’ reaction to the metathesis reaction between salt and salt is very ingrained in the formation of two new salts. However, if the teacher does not guide and summarize well in high school, this part of the knowledge will often stay at the junior high school level. On the other hand, it cannot be deepened, and therefore it is unclear about some complicated phenomena of the reaction between salt and salt. It is believed that as long as it is a reaction between salt and salt, two new salts must be generated, such as writing 2AlCl_3+3Na_2S=Al_2S_3+6NaCl. The wrong reaction type. But the reaction between salt and salt