
来源 :中国水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YNiit562552379
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现代渔业就是用先进的科学技术、装备来武装渔业,通过大力推进渔业区域化、标准化、产业化、工厂化、机械化、加工精深化、市场化、管理现代化和服务社会化,替代人力为主的手工劳动方式和传统的投饲方式及捕捞方式,大幅度地提高渔业劳动生产率和商品率。在当前和今后一个时期,用现代工业理念,加快推进传统渔业向现代渔业转变,是贯彻落实科学发展观的必然要求,也是我国渔业发展的前进方向。 Modern fisheries use advanced science and technology and equipment to arm fisheries. By promoting regionalization, standardization, industrialization, industrialization, mechanization, intensive processing, marketization, management modernization and service socialization of fisheries, the modern fishery has taken the place of manpower-based Manual labor and traditional methods of feeding and fishing methods, a substantial increase in fishery labor productivity and commodity rate. In the current and future period, accelerating the transformation of traditional fisheries to modern fisheries with the concept of modern industry is an inevitable requirement for implementing the scientific outlook on development and is also the direction for the development of fisheries in our country.