1959年9月18日,生于贵州兴义。 1973年进入广西省南宁市业余体校举重班。 1977年被选入广西举重队。 1978~1979年,6破52公斤级抓举世界青年纪录。 1979年11月3日,在第33届世界举重锦标赛中获得52公斤级抓举冠军。 1981年8月,在日本名古屋举行的第13届亚洲举重锦标赛中,获56公斤级总成绩冠军,(260公斤),其中以126.5公斤的成绩打破56公斤级抓举世界纪录。 1983年在第五届全国运动会上,以128公斤的成绩打破56公斤级抓举世界纪录。 1984年在美国洛杉矶举行的第23届奥运会举重比赛中,以267.5公斤夺得56公斤级总成绩金牌。 1979年获运动健将称号。1979年、1980年两次被评为全国十名最佳运动员之一。1994年被评为中华人民共和国成立45年来杰出运动员之一。 1993年,出任广西省体委副主任。同年,担任“吴数德举重学校”校长。 2002年3月,出任国家举重队总教练。
September 18, 1959, was born in Xingyi, Guizhou. In 1973 entered Nanning City, Guangxi Amateur Sports School weight classes. In 1977 was selected Guangxi weightlifting team. From 1978 to 1979, 6 broken 52 kg class captured the world youth record. November 3, 1979, in the 33rd World Weightlifting Championships won the 52 kg snatch champion. In August 1981, at the 13th Asia Weightlifting Championships held in Nagoya, Japan, he won a total of 56 kg (260 kg), of which the world class record of 56 kg was smashed with a result of 126.5 kg. In 1983 in the Fifth National Games, with 128 kg results to break the 56 kg world record snatch. 1984 won the gold medal in the total weight of 56 kg at 267.5 kg in the 23rd Olympic Weightlifting Competition held in Los Angeles, USA. In 1979 by sports title. In 1979, twice in 1980 was named one of the country’s top ten athletes. In 1994 was named the People’s Republic of China 45 years after the establishment of outstanding athletes. In 1993, he served as deputy director of Guangxi Provincial Sports Commission. In the same year, served as “Wu Dade Weightlifting School” president. March 2002, as the national weightlifting team coach.