广州毛刺线虫新种 ( Trichodorus guangzhouensisn.sp.)采集于广州市白云区的莴苣 ( L actucasativa)根际土壤。其主要鉴别特征是虫体和瘤针较短 ;雄虫的 3个腹中颈乳突位于瘤针后和排泄孔前 ,交合刺短、无刚毛和条纹 ,泄殖腔前有 3个腹中生殖乳突 ,精细胞大、有大且呈香肠形的核 ;雌虫阴门纵裂 ,阴门骨化结构小、三角形到园三角形、相距较近 ,阴道长度大于阴门处体宽的 1/ 3,受精囊大、有精子。该新种在多数形态特征测量数据上 ,以及雄虫的 3个腹中颈乳突位置、泄殖腔前腹中生殖乳突数量、精细胞形态 ,雌虫受精囊和阴门骨化结构形态等特征上 ,与背弯毛刺线虫 ( Trichodorusreduncus Siddiqi & Sharma,1995)相近似。但它们在雄虫交合刺和引带形态、第一腹中生殖乳突 ( SP1)的位置 ,雌虫阴门形态等特征上存在显著差异
A new species of Trichodorus guangzhouensisn. Sp. From Guangzhou was collected from rhizosphere soil of L actucasativa in Baiyun District, Guangzhou. Its main distinguishing feature is the shortened body and tumor needles. The mastissas of the three belly neck mastoid located in front of the tumor needles and excretion holes, cross splinter, without bristles and stripes, 3 in front of the cloaca Large slender, large and sausage-shaped nuclei; female vulva vertical rupture, vulval ossification structure, triangle to the park triangle, close to the vaginal length greater than the vulva body width of 1/3, the seminal vesicle Big, sperm The new species in most morphological characteristics of the measurement data, as well as the males three abdomen neck mastoid position, the number of genital papillae in the cloacal antrum, sperm morphology, feminized seminal vesicle and vulvar ossification structure and other characteristics Similar to Trichodorus reduncus Siddiqi & Sharma (1995). However, there were significant differences in the characteristics of malaria interdiffused and banding patterns, the location of the spleen (SP1) in the first abdomen and the shape of the female vulva