1 引言我国西部大开发战略已经启动 ,给西部高新技术企业创造了发展的机遇。但如何结合西部特点 ,寻找创新的发展 ,这是每个西部人需要认真思考的问题 ,更需要引起西部各级政府和企业高层决策者的重视和深思。2 西部高新技术产业的现状与发展趋势我国西部工业是以加工业为主导
1 Introduction The strategy of developing the western part of our country has been started, creating opportunities for the development of high-tech enterprises in the western region. However, how to combine the characteristics of the west with the search for innovative development is an issue that every western people needs to seriously consider. It also needs to draw the attention and consideration of the top-level policy makers of governments and enterprises in the western regions. 2 Status Quo and Development Trend of High-tech Industry in Western China Industry in western China is dominated by processing industry