由国际肝脏研究学会原任委员、国际肝病学术交流大会前任会长、白求恩医科大学总内科教研室主任兼肝病研究所创办人名誉所长叶维法教授创办的国际肝病研究协作交流中心International Research and Exchange Center of liver Deseases (IRECLD)已于今年2月在长春成立。协作主席由各国曾任国际肝脏研究学会历届会长的权威学者担任。协
Dr. Ye Weifa, former member of the International Association for the Study of Liver, former chairman of the International Association for the Exchange of Liver Diseases, Director of the Department of Internal Medicine, Bethune Medical University and Honorary Director of the Institute of Liver Diseases, established the International Research Center for Liver Research Collaboration and Exchange Center of International Research. Liver Deseases (IRECLD) was established in Changchun in February this year. The Co-Chair is chaired by authoritative scholars who have served as past presidents of the International Association for Liver Research. Association