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红芽大戟为茜草科植物红大戟(Knoxia valerianoides Thorel et Pitard)。又名红毛大戟、红芽戟、南大戟,以根入药。目前临床主要用野生品,由于滥采滥挖,野生资源日趋枯竭,人工栽培已是值得重视的课题。现将栽培技术介绍如下,以供参考。红芽大戟是半阴性植物,喜温暖气候;对土壤要求不严,以沙壤土及粘壤土生长较好。野生于低缓山坡地草丛中或疏林下的半阴半阳地。一、栽培方法1.选地整地:选择坐西朝东的平缓坡地。以地势平缓、富含有机质、疏松湿润、排水良好的砂质壤土及粘壤土为佳。植地于秋冬季除尽杂草,砍去小树 Red sprouts Euphorbia Rubiaceae Euphorbia (Knoxia valerianoides Thorel et Pitard). Aka hairy Euphorbia, red bud halberd, South Euphorbia root to medicine. At present, the main clinical use of wild products, due to indiscriminate excavation, the depletion of wild resources, artificial cultivation is a topic worthy of attention. The cultivation techniques are introduced below for reference. Euphorbia Euphorbia is a semi-negative plants, like a warm climate; lax requirements of the soil to sandy loam and clay loam soil growth is better. Wild in the gentle slopes of the grass or open forest under the half-shade half-sun. First, the cultivation methods 1 election site preparation: choose to sit west toward the gentle slope. To flat, rich in organic matter, loose and moist, well-drained sandy loam and clay loam better. Weeds in the autumn and winter except for weeds, chopped trees