在苏联,合理地综合利用有用矿物矿床及保护周围环境的问题具有十分重要的意义。 1950—1975年期间内,苏联有用矿物主要矿种的开采量增长为(附表):煤和锰矿1.5倍,铁矿石5倍,磷酸盐原料9倍,钾盐25倍,石油12倍,天然气47倍。如果进行全面评价,苏联矿山产品的总量几乎是每隔12年增长一倍。苏联工业潜力的飞快增长,需要把大量的及越来越多的矿物资源投入到国民经济的周转
In the Soviet Union, it is of great significance to rationally and comprehensively utilize the deposits of useful minerals and protect the surrounding environment. During the period 1950-1975, the extraction of major minerals from the Soviet Union’s useful minerals increased (schedule): 1.5 times for coal and manganese ore, 5 times for iron ore, 9 times for phosphate raw materials, 25 times for potash salt, 12 times as petroleum, Natural gas 47 times. If fully evaluated, the total amount of Soviet mining products will almost double every 12 years. The rapid growth of the industrial potential of the Soviet Union requires putting a large amount of more and more mineral resources into the circulation of the national economy