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伊拉克人民反对英国殖民主义者的运动是阿拉伯国家反抗殖民主义和帝国主义统治,争取民族独立和解放运动的一个重要组成部分,同时也是世界革命的一个组成部分。在长期的争取民族独立和自由的斗争中,伊拉克人民不畏强暴,沉重打击了新、老殖民主义的势力,为把自己的祖国从殖民主义的奴役下解放出来,在伊拉克人民革命斗争史上写下了辉煌篇章。 The Iraqi people’s opposition to the British colonialists is an important part of Arab countries fighting against colonialism and imperialist rule and striving for national independence and liberation. It is also an integral part of world revolution. In the long struggle for national independence and freedom, the Iraqi people have defied the violence and dealt a heavy blow to the forces of new and old colonialism. In order to liberate their motherland from the enslavement of colonialism and write in the history of the Iraqi people’s revolutionary struggles Under a brilliant chapter.
A pure instrumental method of 90Sr determination in soil samples is developed in order to meet fast measurement of batch soil samples. Gamma-ray spectrum of soi
1 Basic theory of the buncher The buncher system is the one of the main parts in the pulsing beam generation system for 10 MeV central region of model (CRM) com
[摘 要] 随着我国经济发展水平和科学技术发展水平的不断提高,产业的整合和竞争力的提高更加趋向于科学技术的创新,技术创新的研究也以高职院校为对象。在研究影响高职院校专业群与产业群共同发展的因素时,要更加关注高职院校专业群与产业群协同创新的概念和意义,也要提出一些关于二者之间协同创新的措施和建议。  [关 键 词] 高职院校;产业群;专业群;协同创新  [中图分类号] G718 [文献标志码] A
【本刊2015年7月综合报道】2014年,全球天然铀总产量为5.6217万tU(6.6297万tU 3O8),比2013年(5.937万tU)低5.3%,逆转了此前多年一直保持的上升趋势;天然铀产量的地域分布极不
Using three dimension MCNP code and FENDL2.0 data library, neutronics calculation for a HCSB (helium cooling solid breeder ) TBM ( test blanket module ) with 3
良好实践中的过失、人为差错或知识缺乏已经导致严重损害和死亡。对这些事故根本原因的审查揭示出一种令人担心的类似性。 In practice, negligence, human error or lack o
We study the wave dislocations with an induced gauge potential.Thetopological current characterized the wave dislocations isconstructed with the dual of Abelian