Toona is Meliaceae, is unique to our woody vegetable crops. Young toon bud, for fresh spring, but also pickled spare. Toon is widely cultivated in our country and has a long history. Its warm and not cold, light and shade. Winter temperatures below zero below 20 ℃ in the area, the top buds freeze to death phenomenon. It grows well in rich sandy and calcareous soils. Toon can be divided into two major categories Chun Chun and Chun. Red toon buds and stems and leaves purplish red, old leaves on the back of red and green, tender, less fiber, aromatic flavor, good quality; Green Chun also known as Chai Chun, bud early stems and leaves purple, late turquoise, scent light More fiber, poor quality. Toona is Meliaceae, is unique to our woody vegetable crops. Young toon bud, for fresh spring, but also pickled spare. Toon is widely cultivated in our country and has a long history. Its warm and not cold, light and shade. Winter temperatures below zero below 20 ℃ in the area, the top buds freeze to death phenomenon. It grows well in rich sandy and calcareous soils. Toon can be divided into two major categories Chun Chun and Chun. Red toon buds and stems and leaves purplish red, old leaves on the back of red and green, tender, less fiber, aromatic flavor, good quality; Green Chun also known as Chai Chun, bud early stems and leaves purple, late turquoise, scent light More fiber, poor quality. First, the reproduction of Toona sinensis First, the use of toon roots prone to sprout characteristics, the roots around the old tree root sprout germination germination, ramet transplanted in spring; the second is the use of toon sprouting ability of strong, 1-2 years old root Cut 15-20 cm segment growth, cutting propagation in March-April, it is best to follow with mining. In order to prevent seed-root healing tissue decay, to ensure that the temperature, the general may not watering; the South multiply seeds, sown at the end of March. Second, toon pruning Chunya production level, mainly depends on the number of tree branches. Branches and more, Chun head bud more, Chunya buds on the high. Pruning can promote the tree to increase the amount of branching, the formation of dense Crab Bud. In the past generally not pruning, only the early spring plucking buds to promote lateral buds, the formation of branches. This will reduce the current production of Chinese toon buds (less stubble Chun), and the tree branches are not compact. We have had a good summer pruning of the toon tree since late June to early July in 1972. Method is: Where the new shoots, all stay in the base 5-6 inches, all the remaining cut off. After 20 days, 2-5 lateral buds may be emitted, and in the fall, substantial spurlets (Chun head buds) of 2-5 inches long may be formed. Summer pruning, not only can control the height of the tree, increase the branches, the formation of dense Crab Bud, and does not affect the current production of Cephalotaxus (at this time have been taken 2-3 times Chunya). Also, this time the shoot has been up to 50-100 cm, due to repeated picking Chunya, the tree is very weak, stem thin, thin leaves. If its cut short pruning, can focus on nutrients, to promote the tree vigor, the growth of Chunya will be fat, high economic value. Third, Toon fertilization Toon fertilization in June-July-based. Because this time has adopted a large number of bud leaves, tree nutrients consumed, timely fertilization, can quickly restore the tree vigor, especially after the summer cut, can be multiple branches. In addition, the summer fertilization, can be late fall toon, deciduous trees to reduce winter frost damage, Chun head bud full, the second year Chunya high yield, good quality. Fourth, prevention and treatment of pests and diseases Tolerance to leaf rust and powdery mildew hazards. Prevention method is to clean the leaves in winter, before spraying 5 degrees stone sulfur mixture. Pest has toon caterpillar, thorn moths, cloudy days of cattle and so on. Available with appropriate agent control.