针对我国华北地区近年来水位急剧下降,地表水源枯渴问题严重,邢台市委党校副校长高庆刚副教授撰文提出,转变治水观念,实行疏堵结合的解决办法。 他认为,在淡水资源成为一个世界问题,特别是在华北地区,成为经济和社会发展的一个制约瓶颈的今天,华北地区的防汛工作应该转变为以疏为主的观念,实行疏堵结合,使洪水缓流或滞留,尽可能多的补给地表或地下水源,以利于社会经济的可持续发展。所谓疏,就是把雨水疏导到不致造成较大人财伤亡
In view of the drastic drop of water level in North China in recent years and the serious problem of surface water and thirst, an associate professor of Xingtai Municipal Party School Vice-High Minister Gao Qinggang proposed to change the concept of water control and implement a combination of removing and blocking. He believes that as freshwater resources become a world issue, especially in North China, which has become a bottleneck of economic and social development, flood control work in North China should be transformed into a sparse-based concept and a combination of dewatering and blocking Flood slow or stagnant, as much as possible recharge the surface or groundwater sources in order to facilitate the sustainable socio-economic development. The so-called sparse, is to divert the rain to not cause greater financial casualties