Time: 2008 Region: Asia-Pacific Country: Japan Net Brilliance Bunraku puppet show is one of the most important traditional stage art forms in Japan. It includes rap, musical accompaniment and puppet theater. It originated in the Edo period (around 1600), a crystallization of the net-glass and puppet art of a narrative popular in the 15th century. As the name of this new puppet show embodies, there are two main sources of the plot of net glass: the historical drama of the feudal era and the contemporary drama that reveals the conflict between feeling and social responsibility. By the mid-17th century, many privately-run theaters dedicated puppet shows and kabuki, and by the middle of the eighteenth century puppet shows had formed a unique stage style. Half-height stage curtains, behind the curtain, the three puppet actors face the audience manipulation of large-scale puppet activities. A narrator sits on the stage above the stage