“科技是第一生产力”的论断是永恒的。但是科技要真正发挥第一生产力的作用必须与客体紧密结合,也需要机遇。世界级巨型工程——三峡工程的兴建给湖北宜昌市的经济发展带来了千载难逢的机遇,同样为科技提供了一显身手的特大舞台。 (一) 宜昌市位于长江中上游结合部,长江与焦柳铁路交汇处,是长江从东到西第三个大型水陆联运的交通枢纽。全国闻名的葛州坝水利枢纽工程建在城区上首,举世瞩目的三峡工程也已在市域
The assertion that “science and technology are primary productive forces” is eternal. However, the role of science and technology in truly exerting primary productivity must be closely integrated with the object, and it also needs opportunities. The world-class giant project - the construction of the Three Gorges Project has brought a golden opportunity to the economic development of Yichang City, Hubei Province. It also provides a unique stage for science and technology. (1) Yichang City is located at the junction of the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River, at the junction of the Yangtze River and the Jiaoliu Railway, and is the third large-scale water-land transport hub connecting the Yangtze River from east to west. The Gezhouba Water Control Project, known throughout the country, is built in the urban area. The Three Gorges Project, which attracts worldwide attention, is also in the city area.