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第一野战军彭德怀、贺龙、习仲勋、张宗逊、赵寿山诸同志,第二野战军刘伯承、邓小平、张际春诸同志,第三野战军陈毅、饶漱石、粟裕、谭震林诸同志,第四野战军林彪、罗荣桓、邓子恢、谭政诸同志,全国人民解放军全体指挥员、战斗员同志们,全国同胞们!当一九五○年的新年来临之际,中国共产党中央委员会谨向前线将士和全国同胞致热烈的祝贺,祝贺中国人民解放军和中国人民在一九四九年内所获得的伟大历史胜利。中国人民解放军在全军将士忘我的努力和全国人民积极的支援之下,在一九四九年内已经解放了除西藏以外的全部中国大陆,歼灭了敌军二百六十万人。由于这个伟大历史胜利,帝国主义和国民党在中国的反动统治已被永远推翻,中华人民共和国已 The First Field Army Peng Dehuai, He Long, Xi Zhongxun, Zhang Zongsun, Zhaoshou Comrades, the Second Field Army Liu Bocheng, Deng Xiaoping, Zhang Jichun comrades, the Third Field Army Chen Yi, Rao Shushi, Su Yu, Tan Zhenlin comrades, the Fourth Field Army Lin Biao, Luo Ronghuan Deng Zihui, Comrade Tan Zhengzhu, commanders of the entire People's Liberation Army, comrades of combatants, and fellow countrymen! When the New Year approached in 1950, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China extended its warm congratulations and congratulations to the front-line soldiers and compatriots across the country. The great historical victory won by the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese people in 1949. With the efforts of all the armymen and people and their active support, the Chinese People's Liberation Army liberated all mainland China except Tibet from 1949 and wiped out 2.6 million enemy troops. Because of this great historical victory, the reactionary rule of the imperialists and the Kuomintang in China has been forever overthrown. The People's Republic of China has