(二) 细致形象,如临其境—通讯中描写成分的表达特点和要求。通讯播音中描写成分表达得如何,是创作成功与否的关健一环。通讯中的描写成分,有的是表现人物性格的,有的是交待人物活动环境的,有的是衬托人物的心情、烘托气氛的,也有的是描绘山川风光,寄情于景的。无论哪种情况,在表达的时候,都要力求做到绘声绘色,细致入微,情景交融。通过有声语言的描绘,把形象刻画得有立体感,层次感,真切传神。要达到这种境界,重要的一条就是,播音员必须如临其境,感物动情。这里所说的“境”不仅指客观的环境(包括自然的和社会的),而且指主观的心境,要设身处地地体验人物在特定情境中的心情。如临其境,才能获得具体而真切的感受,才能情动于衷并形之于声。下面我们用实例,具体说明人物通讯和风貌通讯中的描写成分如何表达。
(B) meticulous image, on the scene - characteristics and requirements of the communication in the description of the composition. Communication broadcast description of how the description of the composition is the key to success or not. Communication description of the composition, some character is the performance of the character, and some account of the activities of the character environment, and some set off the mood of the characters, heighten the atmosphere, and some depicting the scenery of mountains and rivers, send love to the King. No matter what kind of situation, in the expression of time, we must strive to be vivid, meticulous, scene blending. Through the portrayal of a vivid language, the image is portrayed as a three-dimensional sense of depth and vividness. To achieve this state, one of the important things is that the announcer must be immersive and emotionally charged. The term “environment” as used herein refers not only to the objective environment (including natural and social) but also to the subjective state of mind in which one experiencing the mood of a person in a particular situation. In the face of it, in order to obtain concrete and real feeling, can move in harmony and shape to sound. Below we use examples to illustrate the character communication and style of communication in the description of how to express.